LLT 180-1 SP 10                                                                                Name:

Vlad Dracula: Discussion Questions

Book III: Prisoner

Chapter 1: December 1462, Hungarian Border

1.       Jan Jiskraz has been sent by King Mattias to arrest Vlad.  After the defeat against the Turks, Vlad has nowhere other than Hungary to turn, as Moldavia had sided with the Sultan.  What were/are the historical Rothel Letters?



2.      What was Vlad’s response to the Rothel Letters?



Chapter 2: February 1463 Hungary

1.       Vlad, a prisoner of the Hungarian king has been placed in a stone cell.  Who comes to visit Vlad in the beginning of this chapter?



2.      This visitor informs Vlad that he is not alone, Vlad has an ally.  Who is this ally and why?



3.      On pages 218-220, Father Elemar questions Vlad’s motives for killing the Saxons, the boyars, women, children, beggars, and “cripples”.  What do you think of Vlad’s responses?  Were any of Vlad’s responses valid in your opinion?




Chapter 3:  1466 (Four years in imprisonment.)

1.       Father Elemar comes to Vlad with a proposition from King Mattias.  What is the proposal?



2.      What are the conditions for this proposal?



3.      Why does Vlad accept?


Chapter 4:  Pest, Hungary 1466

1.       Chapter 4 finds Vlad once again with a needle and thread, sewing a new banner for himself.  Ilona is discussing her reasons for marrying Vlad.  Why did Ilona marry a man thought by many to be a blood-thirsty “maniac”?



Chapter 5: 1467 The Porte

1.       Since Vlad’s last war with the Turks five (5) years earlier, who has been the Wallachian voevode?


Chapter 6: 1474 Pest, Hungary

1.       Another seven (7) years have passed, Vlad and Ilona have two sons.  Who comes to pay Vlad a visit ‘like a thief in the night’?



2.      What news does this visitor bring to Vlad?



3.      Vlad’s initially reasons that Mohammed will retaliate and he says: “Then there will be war (237).”  But then Vlad learns the rest of the story, which was?



4.      Why was this such good news to Vlad, news that he had been waiting 12 years to hear?


Chapter 7:

1.       King Mattias is willing to place Vlad back on the Wallachian throne upon three (3) conditions, what are these conditions?






       2.  Vlad counters with a condition of his own, which was?




Chapter 8: 1474 The Porte

1.      The relationship between the Sultan and Radu has turned cold and formal.  Mohammed will not allow Radu to return to claim the Wallachian throne.  What plans does the Sultan have for Wallachia and Moldavia at the end of this chapter?  Plans for Hungary?



Chapter 9: 1476 Transyvania

1.       What news of Radu does Father Elemar bring to Vlad?



2.      Why has Stephen, King of Moldavia earned a new title from the Pope, Athleta Christi?



Chapter 10: November 1476 Tirgoviste

1.       Vlad has returned to Tirgoviste, his old capitol city.  The Orthodox Bishop comes to call on Vlad, and what does he demand?



2.      What was Vlad’s response?



3.      Vlad is then excommunicated.  What does this mean for Vlad’s future, both as the voevode of Wallachia and as a man?



Chapter 11: Bucharest 1477

1.       Laiota plots to attack Vlad in Tirgoviste.  Who plots along with him to bring Vlad down?



2.      On page 253, the author is looking ahead in time, to when the entire Baltic region becomes part of the Osmanli (Turkish) Empire.  What future lies ahead for Laiota? 



3.      What does the future hold for the Orthodox Christians in Wallachia?



Chapter 12: Tirgoviste 1477

1.       What news of Laiota and the Turks does old Father Tibor bring to Vlad?

Chapter 13: February 1477 Bucharest Marshes

1.      Following up on the information of Father Tibor, Vlad and his men track Laiota’s wagons into the marshes.  Intent on raiding the wagons and gaining artillery for their impending war, what does Vlad find instead?




2.      What became of Vlad Tepes in this final battle?



Final question:  Please share your comments and/or criticisms on the book Vlad Dracula: The Dragon Prince.