Settlement and Judges Bibliography

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Ruth and Esther Bibliography

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                            KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS

Ackerman, S., "What if Judges Had Been Written by a Philistine?," BibInt 8 (2000), 33-41. 

_____. Warrior, Dancer, Seductress, Queen: Women in Judges and Biblical Israel. New York:
    Doubleday, 1998.

Ackerman, James S., "Prophecy and Warfare in Early Israel: A Study of the Deborah-Barak Story," BASOR
220 (1975), 5-l3.

Ackroyd, P.R., "Note to *parzon = 'iron' in the Song of Deborah," JSS 24 (1979), 19-20.

_____, "The Compostion of the Song of Deborah," VT 2 (1952), 160-62.

Addinall, P., "The Wilderness in Pedersen's Israel," JSOT 20 (1981), 75-83.

Adler, R., "A Mother in Israel, Aspects of the Mother Role in Jewish Myth," in R.M. Gross, ed. Beyond
    Androcentrism: New Essays on Women and Religion
(Missoula: Scholars Press, 1977), 237-255.

Aharoni, Y., "Nothing Early and Nothing Late: Re-writing Israel's Conquest," BA 39 (l976), 55-76.

Ahlstrom, G.W., "Judges 5:20f and History," JNES 36 (l977), 287-288.

_____. Who Were the Israelites? (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1986).

_____ and D. Edelman, "Merneptah's Israel," JNES 44 (1985), 59-61.

Alejandrino, M. Deborah and Barak: A Literary-Historical Analysis of Judges 4 and 5. Rome: Universite
    Gregorienne, 1998.

Alonso-Schökel, L., "Erzahlkunst im Buche der Richter," Biblica 42 (1961), 148-58.

Ahlstrom, G.W. Who Were the Israelites? (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1986).

Albright, W.F., "The Song of Deborah in the Light of Archaeology," BASOR 62 (1936), 26-31.

Alt, A., "The Formation of the Israelite State in Palestine," in Essays on Old Testament History and Religion
(Oxford, (1966), 223-310.

Alter, R., "Samson Without Folklore," in S. Niditch, ed. Text and Tradition. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1990:47-56.

Amiran, D.H.K. and Y. Ben-Arieh, "Sedentarization of Bedouin in Israel," IEJ 13 (1963), 161-181.

Amit, Y., "The Book of Judges: Fruit of 100 Years of Creativity," in E. Ben Zvi, ed. Perspectives on Hebrew
     Scriptures, VI
. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias, 2010: 363-371.

_____, “The Book of Judges: Dating and Meaning,” in Galil, Gershon, et al, eds. Homeland and Exile: Biblical and
      Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honour of Bustenay Oded
. Boston; Leiden: Brill, 2009: 297-322.

_____, “I Delilah: A Victim of Interpretation,” in P.R. Davies, ed. First Person: Essays in Biblical
. London/New York: Sheffield, 2002: 59-76.

_____, "Bochem, Bethel and the Hidden Polemic (Judg 2, 1-5)," in G. Galil and M. Weinfeld, eds.
    Studies in Historical Geography and Biblical Historiography.
VTSup 81: Leiden: Brill, 2000a:

_____. Hidden Polemics in Biblical Narrative. Leiden: Brill, 2000b.

_____. The Book of Judges: The Art of Editing. Leiden: Brill, 1999a.

_____. History and Ideology. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999b.

_____, “Literature in the Service of Politics: Studies in Judges 19—21,” in H.G. Reventlow, et al, eds. Politics
      and Theopolitics
. JSOTSup 171; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1994: 28-40.

_____, "'Manoah Promptly Followed His Wife' (Judges 13:11): On the Place of the Woman in Birth
    Narratives," in A. Brenner, ed. A Feminist Companion to Judges. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic
    Press, 1993: 146-56.

_____, "Hidden Polemic in the Conquest of Dan: Judges XVII-XVIII," VT 60 (1990), 4-20.

_____, "The Story of Ehud (Judges 3:12-30)," in J.C. Exum, ed. Signs and Wonders (1989), 97-124.

_____, "The Use of Analogy in the Study of the Book of Judges," in M. Augustin, ed. "Wunschet Jerusalem
Frankfort: Peter Lang, 1988: 387-94.

_____, "Judges 4: Its Contents and Form," JSOT 39 (1987a), 89-111.

_____, "The Dual Casuality Principle and Its Effect on Biblical Literature," VT 37 (1987b), 385-400.

Anbar, M., "La 'reprise,'" VT 38/4 (1988), 385-397.

Andersen, F.I., "Israelite Kinship Terminology and Social Structure," Bible Translator 20 (1969), 29-39.

Andreasen, Niels-Erik, "Town and Country in the Old Testament," Encounter 42 (l98l), 259-75.

Asen, B.A., "Deborah, Barak and Bees: Apis mellifera, Apiculture and Judges 4 and 5," ZAW 109
    (1997), 514-33.

Assis, E., "Man, Woman and God in Judg 4," SJOT 20 (2006a), 110-24.

_____. Self-Interest or Communal Interest: An Ideology of Leadership in the Gideon, Abimelech,
    and Jephthah Narratives (Judg 6--12)
. VTSup 106; Leiden: Brill, 2005.

Astour, M.C., "The Amarna Age Forerunners of Biblical Anti-royalism," For Max Weinreich on His 70th
, Studies in Jewish Languages, Literature, and Society, 1964), 89-111.

Auld, A.G., "What Makes Judges Deuteronomistic?" in Joshua Retold. Edinburgh: t & T Clark, 1998: 120-26.

_____, "Gideon: Hacking at the Heart of the Old Testament," VT 39 (1989), 257-267.

_____, "Tribal Terminology in Joshua and Judges," in J.A. Soggin, et al., eds. Le Origini di Israele. Rome,
    1987: 85-98.

_____, "Judges 1 and History: a Reconsideration," VT 25 (1975), 261-85.

Bach, A., "Rereading the Body Politic: Women and Violence in Judges 21," in A. Brenner, ed. Judges
(1999), 143-59.

_____, "Rereading the Body Politic: Women and Violence in Judges21," Biblical Interpretation 6 (1998),

Bakon, S., "Deborah: Judge, Prophetess, Poet," JBQ 34 (2006), 110-18.

Bal, M., "A Body of Writing: Judges 19," in A. Brenner, ed. A Feminist Companion to Judges. Sheffield:
    Sheffield Academic Press, 1993: 208-30.

_____, "Dealing with Women: Daughters in the Book of Judges," in R.M. Schwartz, ed. The Book and the Text: The Bible
    and Literary Theory
. Oxford: Blackwell, 1990: 16-39.

_____. Death and Dissymmetry: The Politics of Coherence in the Book of Judges (Chicago: U. of Chicago Press, 1988).

_____. Murder and Difference. Gender, Genre, and Scholarship on Sisera's Death (Bloomington: Indiana U. Press,

_____, ed. Anti-Covenant: Counter-Reading Women's Lives in the Hebrew Bible (Sheffield: The Almond Press, 1989).

_____, "Between Altar and Wondering Rock: Toward a Feminist Philology," in M. Bal, Anti-Covenant (1989), 211-243.

_____, "The Rhetoric of Subjectivity," Poetics Today 5/2 (l984), 337-376.

Balzer, H.R., "My God and Your Idols: Political Rivalry between Human Representatives of the Divine in the Old Testament,"
    OTE 4 (1991), 257-71.

Barnes, R.H., "Marriage by Capture," JRAI 46 (1999), 57-73.

Barr, J., "Mythical Monarch Unmasked? Mysterious Doings of Debir King of Eglon," JSOT 48 (1990), 55-68.

Barré, M.L., "The Meaning of pršdn in Judges iii 22," VT 41 (1991), 1-11.

Bar-Yosef, "The Walls of Jericho: An Alternative Interpretation," CA 27/2 (1986), 157-162.

Bates, d.G. and S.H. Lees, "The Role of Exchange in Productive Specialization," AA 79 (1977), 824-841.

Bauckham, R., “The Book of Ruth and the Possibility of a Feminist Canonical Hermeneutic,” Biblical Interpretation
     5 (1997), 29-39.

Bauer, U.F.W., "Eine Metaphorische Atiologie in Richter 18:12," in Unless Some One Guide Me. Maastrict:
    Shaker, 2001: 107-13.

_____, "Judges 18 as an Anti-Spy Story in the Context of an Anti-Conquest Story: The Creative
    Usage of Literary Genres," JSOT 88 (2000), 37-47.

_____, "Warum nur übertretet ihr Sein Geheiss!": Eine synchrone Exegese der Anti-Erzlung von Righter 17-18,
     (Beiträge zur Erforschung des Alten Testaments und des Antiken Judentums 45) Frankfurt 1998.

Beattie, D.R.G. Jewish Exegesis of the Book of Ruth. JSOTSup 2; Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1977.

_____, "The Book of Ruth as Evidence for Israelite Legal Practice," VT 24 (l974), 25l-67.

Bechmann, U. Das Deboralied zwischen Geschichte und Fiktion. Eine exegetische Untersuchung zu
    Richter 5.
Sankt Ottilien: EOS Verlag, 1989.

Becker, H.S. Outsiders: Studies in the Sociology of Deviance (New York: The Free Press, 1963).

Becker, U. Richterzeit und Konigtum: Redaktionsgeschichtliche Studien zum Richterbuch. BZAW 192;
            Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1990.

Beem, B., “The Minor Judges: A Literary Reading of Some Very Short Stories,” in K.L. Younger, et al, eds.
            The Biblical Canon in Comparative Perspective. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen, 1991: 147-72.

Bellefontaine, E., "Deuteronomy 21:18-21: Reviewing the Case of the Rebellious Son," JSOT 13 (1979), 13-31.

Benjamin, D.C. Deuteronomy and City Life (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1983).

_____, "Israel's God: Mother and Midwife," BTB 19/4 (1989), 115-120.

Ben-Joseph, J., "The Climate in Eretz Israel during Biblical Times," HS 26 (1985), 225-239.

Ben-Tor, A., "Tell Qiri: A Look at Village Life," BA 42 (1979), 105-113.

Berlin, A., "Characterization in Biblical Narrative: David's Wives," JSOT 23 (1982), 69-85.

Berman, Joshua, “The 'sword of mouths' (Jud. iii 16; Ps. cxlix 6; Prov. v 4): a metaphor and its ancient Near Eastern context,”

            Vetus testamentum 52/3 (2002), 291-303.

Bienkowski, Piotr, "The Role of Hazor in the Late Bronze Age," PEQ 119 (1987), 50-61.

Bimson, J. Redating the Exodus and Conquest (JSOTS, 5; Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1978).

_____ and D. Livinston, "Redating the Exodus," BAR 13/5 (1987), 40-53, 66-68.

_____, "A Reply to Baruch Halpern," BAR 15/4 (1988), 52-55.

_____, "Merenptah's Israel and Recent Theories of Israelite Origins," JSOT 49 (1991), 3-29.

Biran, A., "The Collared-rim Jars and the Settlement of the Tribe of Dan," AASOR 49 (1989), 71-96.

Bledstein, A.J., "Is Judgesa Woman's Satire on Men Who Play God?" in A. Brenner, ed. A Feminist
    Companion to Judges
. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1993: 34-54.

Blenkinsopp, J. Gibeon and Israel (Cambridge, 1972).

_____, "Structure and Style in Judges 13-16," JBL 81-82 (1962-63), 65-76.

_____ , "Ballad Style and Psalm Style in the Song of Deborah," Biblica 42 (1961), 61-76.

Bloch-Smith, E. and B. Nakhai, “A Landscape Comes to Life: The Iron Age I,” NEA 62 (1999), 62-92, 101-29.

Block, D.I., "Why Deborah's Different," BRev 17/3 (2001), 39-40, 49-52.

_____, "Unspeakable Crimes: The Abuse of Women in the Book of Judges," Southern Baptist
    Journal of Theology
2 (1998), 46-55.

_____, "Will the Real Gideon Please Stand Up? Narrative Style and Intention in Judges 6--9," JETS
40 (1997), 353-66.

_____, "Deborah among the Judges: The Perspective of the Hebrew Historian," in A.R. Millard, et al., eds.
    Faith, Tradition, and History. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1994: 229-53.

_____, "Echo narrative technique in Hebrew literature: a study in Judges 19 [chart]," Westminster
    Theological Journal
52 (1990), 325-341.

_____, "The Period of the Judges: Religious Disintegration under Tribal Rule," in A. Gileadi, ed. Israel's
     Apostasy and Restoration
. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1988: 39-57.

Blumenthal, F., "Samson and Samuel: Two Styles of Leadership," JBQ 33 (2005), 108-112.

Bodine, W.R. The Greek Text of Judges. HSM 23; Chico: Scholars Press, 1980.

Bohmbach, K.G., "Conventions/Contraventions: The Meaning of Public and Private for the Judges 19
    Concubine," JSOT 83 (1999), 83-98.

Boling, R.G., "In Those Days There Was No King in Israel," in H.N. Bream, et al., eds. A Light Unto My
    Path: Old Testament Studies in Honor of Jacob M. Myers
(Philadelphia: Temple U. Press, 1974), 33-48.

_____. Judges (Garden City: Doubleday & Co., 1975).

_____ and G.E. Wright. The Book of Joshua (Garden City: Doubleday & Co., 1982).

Boogaart, T.A., "Stone for Stone: Retribution in the Story of Abimelech and Shechem," JSOT 32 (1985), 45-56.

Borowski, O. Agriculture in Iron Age Israel (Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 1988).

Bos, J.W.H., "Out of the Shadows: Genesis 38; Judges 4:17-22; Ruth 2," Semeia 42 (1988), 37-67.

Brandfon, F.R., "Norman Gottwald on the Tribes of Yahweh," JSOT 2l (l98l), l0l-ll0.

Brenner, A., ed. Judges (Feminist Companion to the Bible 2/4; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999.

_____, ed. A Feminist Companion to Judges. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1993a.

_____, "A Triangle and a Rhombus in Narrative Structure: A Proposed Integrative Reading of Judges 4 and
    5," in A. Brenner, ed. A Feminist Companion to Judges (1993b), 98-109.

_____, "Naomi and Ruth," VT 33/4 (1983), 385-97.

_____. The Israelite Woman (Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1985).

_____, "Female Social Behavior: Two Descriptive Patterns Within the 'Birth of the Hero' Paradigm," VT 36 (1986),

Brett, M.G., “Israel’s Indigenous Origins: Cultural Hybidity and the Formation of Israelite Identity,” BibInt 11 (2003), 400-412.

Brettler, M. The Book of Judges. New York: Routledge, 2001.

_____. The Creation of History in Ancient Israel. New York: Routledge, 1996.

_____, "`Never the Twain Shall Meet?' The Ehud Story as History and Literature," HUCA 62 (1991), 285-304.

_____, "The Book of Judges: Literature as Politics," JBL 108 (1989), 395-418.

Bright, J. A History of Israel, 3rd ed. (London: SCM Press, 1981).

Bronner, L.L., "Valorized or Vilified?" in A. Brenner, ed. A Feminist Companion to Judges (1993),

Brooks, S.S., "Saul and the Samson Narrative," JSOT 71 (1996), 19-25.

Brueggemann, W., "Social Criticism and Social Vision in the Deuteronomic Formula of the Judges," in J.
    Jeremias and L. Perlitt, eds. Die Botschaft und die Boten (Neukirchen, 1981), 101-114.

Buccellati, G., "`apiru and munnabtutu--The Stateless of the First Cosmopolitan Age," JNES 36 (1977),

Burney, C.F. The Book of Judges. London: Rivingtons, 1918.

Burns, R.J. Has the Lord Indeed Spoken Only Through Moses? A Study of the Biblical Portrait of Miriam
    (SBL Dissertation Series 84; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1987).

Burrows, M., "The Ancient Oriental Background of Hebrew Levirate Marriage," BASOR 77 (l940), 2-l5.

Bush, F.W. Ruth, Esther. Dallas: Word, 1996.

Butler, T.C., "An Anti-Moses Tradition," JSOT 12 (1979),9-15.

Bynum, D.E., "Samson as a Biblical pher oreskoos," in Text and Tradition (1990), 57-73.

Callaway, J.A., "New Evidence on the Conquest at Ai," JBL 87 (1968), 312-320.

_____, "Excavating Ai (et-Tell): 1964-1972," BA 39 (1972), 18-30.

_____, "A Visit with Ahilud," BAR 9/5 (l983), 42-53.

_____, "Village Subsistence at Ai and Raddana in Iron I," The Answers Lie Below, ed. H.O. Thompson
    (Lanham, MD: Univ. Press of America, 1984), 51-66.

_____, "A New Perspective on the Hill Country Settlement of Canaan in Iron Age I," in J.N. Tubb, ed.
    Palestine in the Bronze and Iron Ages, Papers in Honour of Olga Tufnell (London, 1985), 31-49.

_____, "Ai (et-Tell): Problem Site for Biblical Archaeologists," in L.G. Perdue, et al., eds. Archaeology and
    Biblical Interpretation
(Atlanta: John Knox, 1987), 87-99.

Camp, C.V., "The Wise Women of 2 Samuel: A Role Model for Women in Early Israel," CBQ 43 (1981),

_____ and C.R. Fontaine," The Words of the Wise and Their Riddles," in S. Niditch, ed. Text and Tradition (1990),

Campbell, A.F. The Ark Narrative (Missoula: Scholars Press, 1975).

_____, "Yahweh and the Ark," JBL 98 (1979), 31-43.

Campbell, E.F., “Naomi, Boaz, and Ruth, hesed and Change,” Austin Seminary Bulletin 105 (1990), 64-74.

_____ and G.E. Wright, "Tribal League Shrines in Amman and Shechem," BA 32 (1969), 104-116.

_____, "Moses and the Foundation of Israel," INT 29 (1975), 141-154.

_____, "Ruth Revisited," in S. Cook, ed. On the Way to Nineveh (Atlanta: Scholars, 1999), 54-76.

Caquot, A., “Les tribus d’Israel dans la Cantique de Debora (Juges 5,13-17),” Sem 36 (1986), 47-70.

Carden, M., "Homophobia and Rape in Sodom and Gibeah: A Response to Ken Stone," JSOT 82 (1999), 83-96.

Carmichael, C.M., "A Ceremonial Crux: Removing a Man's Sandal as a Female Gesture of Contempt," JBL 96 (l977),

_____, "`Treading' in the Book of Ruth," ZAW 92 (1980), 248-266.

Carasik, M., “Ruth 2,7: Why the Overseer Was Embarrassed,” ZAW 107 (1995), 493-94.

de Castelbajac, I., "Le cycle de Gédéon ou la condemnation du refus de la royauté," VT 57 (2007), 145-61.

_____,“Les juges d’Israël: une invention du Deutéronomiste?” Revue de l’histoire des religions 221
     (2004), 83-97.

_____, "Histoire de la rédaction des Juges ix: une solution," VT 51 (2001), 166-85.

Chalcraft, D.J., "Deviance and Legitimate Action in the Book of Judges," in D.J.A. Clines, et al., eds. The Bible in Three
(JSOTS 87; Sheffield, 1990), 177-201.

Chaney, M.L., "Ancient Palestinian Peasant Movements and the Formation of Premonarchic Israel," in D.N. Freedman and
    D.F. Graf, eds. Palestine in Transition (1983), 39-90.

Chisholm, R.B., "Ehud: Assessing an Assassin," BibSac 168 (2011), 274-82.

_____, "What Went on in Jael's Tent?" SJOT 24 (2010a), 143-44.

_____, "In Defense of Paneling as a Clue to the Chronology of Judges: A Critique of Andrew Steinmann's Reply," JETS
     53 (2010b), 275-82.

_____, "The Chronology of the Book of Judges: A Linguistic Clue to Solving a Pesky Problem," JETS 52 (2009a), 247-55.

_____, "Identity Crisis: Assessing Samson's Birth and Career," BibSac 166 (2009b), 147-62.

_____, “The Role of Women in the Rhetorical Strategy of the Book of Judges,” in C.H. Dyer and R.B. Zuck, eds.
     Integrity of Heart, Skillfulnes of Hands.
Grand Rapids: Baker, 1994: 3449.

Christianson, E.S., "The Big Sleep: Strategic Ambiguity in Judges 4--5 and in Classic film noir," BibInt 15 (2007), 519-48.

_____, “A Fistful of Shekels: Scrutinizing Ehud’s Entertaining Violence (Judges 3:12-30),” BibInt 11 (2003),

Claassens, L.J.M., “The Character of God in Judges 6—8: the Gideon Narrative as Theological and Moral Response,”
     HBT 23 (2001), 51-71.

_____, "Notes on Characterisation in the Jephthah Narrative," JNSL 22/2 (1996), 107-115.

Clements, R.E., ed. The World of Ancient Israel (Cambridge: Cambridge U. Press, 1989).

Coats, G.W. Rebellion in the Wilderness (Nashville: Abingdon Press, (1968).

_____, "Conquest Traditions in the Wilderness Theme," JBL 95 (1976), 177-190.

_____, "Legendary Motifs in the Moses Death Reports," CBQ 39 (1977), 34-44.

_____, "The Sea Tradition in the Wilderness Theme: A Review," JSOT 12 (1979), 2-8.

_____, "The Ark of the Covenant in Joshua: a Probe into the History of a Tradition," HAR 9 (1985), 137-157.

Coetzee, J.H., “The ‘Outcry’ of the Dissected Woman in Judges 19—21: Embodiment of a Society,” OTE 15
     (2002), 52-63.

Cohen, G.G., "Samson to Hercules," EQ 42 (l970), l3l-4l.

Cohen, R., "The Mysterious MBI People - Does the Exodus Tradition in the Bible Preserve the Memory of Their
    Entry into Canaan?" BAR 9/4 (l983), l6-29.

Coogan, M.D., "Structural and Literary Analysis of the Song of Deborah," CBQ 40 (1978), 143-165.

_____, "Of Cults and Cultures: Reflections on the Interpretation of Archaeological Evidence," PEQ 119 (1987), 1-8.

_____, "Canaanite Origins and Lineage: Reflections on the Religion of Ancient Israel," in P.D. Miller, et al., eds. Ancient
    Israelite Religion, Essays in Honor of Frank Moore Cross
(Philadelphia: Fortess, 1987), 115-124.

Coote, R.B. and K.W. Whitelam, "The Emergence of Israel: Social Transformation and State Formation Following
    the Decline in Late Bronze Age Trade," Semeia 37 (1986), 107-147.

_____. The Emergence of Early Israel in Historical Perspective (Sheffield: Almond Press, 1987).

Coote, R.B. and D.R. Ord. The Bible's First History. From Eden to the Court of David with the Yahwist (Philadelphia:
    Fortress, 1989).

Couturier, G., “Debora: une autorite politico-religieuse aux origins d’Israel,” SR 18 (1989), 213-28.

Coxon, P.W., "Was Naomi a Scold? A Response to Fewell and Gunn," JSOT 45 (1989), 25-37.

Craig, K.M., "Bargaining in Tov (Judges 11, 4-11): The Many Directions of So-Called Direct Speech,"
    Biblica 79 (1998), 76-85.

Craigie, P.C., "Deborah and Anath: A Study in Poetic Imagery," ZAW 90/3 (1978), 374-381.

_____, "Three Ugaritic Notes on the Song of Deborah," JSOT 2 (1977a), 33-49.

_____, "Parallel Word Pairs in the Song of Deborah," JETS 20 (1977b), 15-22.

_____, "A Reconsideration of Shamgar ben Anath (Judge 3:3l and 5:6)," JBL 9l (l972a), 239-40.

_____, "Some Further Notes on the Song of Deborah," VT 22 (1972b), 349-53.

_____, "The Song of Deborah and the Epic of Tukulti-Ninurta," JBL 88 (1969), 253-265.

_____, "A Note on Judges V 2," VT 18 (1968), 397-99.

Crawford, Timothy, "Reading Samson with the Dead," PRS 35 (2009), 223-236.

Crenshaw, J.L., "The Samson Saga: Filial Devotion or Erotic Attachment?" ZAW 86/4 (l974), 470-504.

_____, Samson, A Secret Betrayed, A Vow Ignored (Atlanta: John Knox, l978).

Cross, F.M., "The Divine Warrior in Israel's Early Cult," in A. Altmann, ed. Biblical Motifs (Cambridge, MA, 1966), 11-30.

_____. Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic (Cambridge, MA: Harvard U. Press, 1973).

Crown, A.D., "Some Factors Relating to Settlement and Urbanization in Ancient Canaan in the Second and First
    Millenium B.C.," Abr Nahrain ll (l97l), 22-4l.

_____, "Judges v. 15b-16," VT 17 (1967), 240-42.

_____, "A Reinterpretation of Judges IX in the Light of its Humour," Abr Nahrain 3 (1961-62), 90-98.

Culley, R.C. Studies in the Structure of Hebrew Narrative (Philadelphia: Fortess, 1976).

Cundall, A.E., "Antecedents of the Monarchy in Ancient Israel," Vox Evangelica 3 (1964), 42-50.

_____. Judges, An Introduction and Commentary (Leicester: IVP, 1968).

_____, "Judges--An Apology for the Monarchy?," ET 81 (1969/70), 178-181.

Currie, S.D., "Biblical Studies for a Seminar on Sexuality and the Human Community, I: Judges 19-21," Austin Seminary
87 (1971), 13-20.

Danelius, E., "Shamgar ben 'Anath,'" JNES 22 (1963), 191-93.

Daube, D., "'One from among your brethen shall you set king over you,'" JBL 90 (1971), 480-481.

Davidson, E.T.A. Intricacy, Design, and Cunning in the Book of Judges (, 2008).

_____, "Can Sources of Judges Be Found in Ugaritic Myths?" PEGLMBS 25 (2005), 43-57.

_____, "The Comedy of Horrors," PEGLMBS 23 (2003), 39-54.

Davidson, S.V., "Gazing (at) Native Women: Rahab and Jael in Imperializing and Postcolonial Discourses," in
     R. Boer, ed. Postcolonialism and the Hebrew Bible (Atlanta: SBL, 2013), 69-92.

Davies, E.W., "Inheritance Rights and the Hebrew Levirate Marriage, l," VT 3l (l98l), l38-l44 and "Part 2", VT
   3l (l98l), 257-68.

_____, "Ruth IV 5 and the Duties of the Go`el, VT 33/2 (l983), 23l-34.

_____, "Megiddo in the Period of the Judges," OTS 24 (1986), 34-51.

Davies, G.H., "Judges 8:22-23," VT 13 (1963), 151-157.

Davies, G.I., "Megiddo in the Period of the Judges," OTS 24 (1986), 34-53.

_____. The Way of the Wilderness (London, 1979).

Davies, P.R. In Search of "Ancient Israel" (JSOTSup 148; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1995).

Day, P., ed. Gender and Difference in Ancient Israel. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1989a.

_____, "From the Child is Born the Woman: The Story of Jephthah's Daughter," in P. Day, ed. Gender
    and Difference
(1989b), 58-74.

_____, "Asherah in the Hebrew Bible and Northwest Semitic Literature," JBL 105 (1986), 385-408.

Deist, F., "`Murder in the Toilet' (Judges 3:12-30): Translation and Transformation," Scriptura 58 (1996), 263-272.

Delany, S., "`This Borrowed Language': Body Politic in Judges 19," Shofar 11 (1993), 97-109.

De Moor, J.C., “The Twelve Tribes in the Song of Deborah,” VT 43 (1993), 483-93.

Demsky, A., "Geba, Gibeah and Gibeon--an Historico-Geographic Riddle," BASOR 212 (1973), 26-31.

_____ and M. Kochavi, "An Israelite Village from the Days of the Judges," BAR 4 (l978), l9-22.

Dempster, S., "Mythology and History in the Song of Deborah," WTJ 41 (1978), 33-53.

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Additional References:

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Simons, Louise, "An immortality rather than a life: Milton and the concubine of Judges 19-21," In: Old
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