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[Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.]

Poaceae (Grass Family)


▲▼ bermudagrass seedlings

▲▼ bermudagrass showing leafy stolons

 bermudagrass with digitate panicle inflorescences

▲ inflorescence


·         low, growing warm-season, creeping perennial grass from Africa

·         light green colored grass; produces digitate panicle inflorescence (similar to crabgrass)

·         spreads rapidly by stolons primarily, and also rhizomes and seed

·         common lawn and pasture grass in southern 1/3 of U.S; lawn grass or lawn weed in central U.S.; winterkills in northern U.S., so not seen there much at all

·         must be actively growing for adequate herbicide control

·         very intolerant of shade


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