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Blue Mustard

[Chorispora tenella (Pallas) DC.]

Brassicaceae Family (Mustard Family)

▲▼ mature, flowering plants

▲▼ mature, flowering plants


▲▼ flowers

mature plant

stem with leaves, flowers

mature plant with flowers, fruit ▲▼

Blue Mustard:  (p. 204-205 in Weeds of the Great Plains) (not in Weeds of the Northeast)

*      annual or winter annual weed from Asia found in many winter annual crops

*      much-branched, spreading plant (6-24”) tall, with elongated toothed leaves

*      flowers are purple, lavender or pink in terminal racemes

*      produces a curved, pointed silique 0.5 – 1.5” long

*      common in winter annual crops, particularly reduced tillage—can invade range areas

*      more common north & west of here, but could become established here

*      dairy animals may produce off-flavored milk after eating blue mustard


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