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Ailanthus altissima

Simaroubaceae (Quassia Family)


▲▼ seedlings

▲▼ seedlings

▲ leaves showing glandular "bumps" at base of leaflets

▲ mature tree

▲ tree bark

Tree-of-Heaven, Ailanthus:  (Not in Weeds of the Great Plains; pp. 346-347, Weeds of the Northeast)

·         medium to large, fast-growing tree with pinnately compound, shiny-green leaves, similar to sumacs; however, grow much larger and faster than sumacs; sumacs also are colony forming and have red-orange fall color

·         leaves differ from sumac by unpleasant odor and small bumps/glands at the base of leaflets on the base of tree-of-heaven leaves

·         wood is weak and prone to decay; tends to be a short-lived tree

·         often found in urban areas, growing up through cracks in pavement, against buildings

·         is dioecious, with separate male & female plants; male flowers often with bad odor

·         undesirable due to weak growth and invasive nature


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