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White Clover

Trifolium repens L.

Fabaceae (Legume Family)

▲▼ smaller white clover plants

▲▼ larger white clover plants, with flowers

▲▼ white clover flowers

White Clover:

·         creeping perennial legume which produces stolons to allow spread; grows 3-18” tall

·         3 (sometimes more) leaflets per leaf attached to long petiole

·         produces white or pink ball-like cluster of tiny flowers held above leaf canopy

·         reproduces some by seed, but more by spreading out

·         prefers adequate moisture soils, full sun, but may grow about anywhere but very dry sites; tends to die back in dry summer periods

·          water-repellent leaf surfaces may make it less sensitive to some post-emergent herbicide applications

·         common turfgrass weed—can survive fairly close mowing

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