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Woollyleaf Bursage, Woolly Bursage

Ambrosia grayi (A. Nels.) Shinners

Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)

▲▼young shoots emerging from creeping roots in spring

▲▼silvery foliage on mature plants

▲▼silvery foliage on mature plants

▲ some plants do have more greenish foliage, with less silvery coloring

flowering plants

▲ inflorescence

▲ ▼ male flowers (above), female bur-like flower (below)

Ambrosia grayi  (A. Nels.) Shinners, Woolly Bursage: (Bayer Code:  AMBGR; US Code AMGR5)

·         Creeping perennial with deep creeping roots; grows 6 -24 inches tall; common on fertile, moist areas of western states

·         Leaves pinnately lobed, gray-green to silvery in color due to many hairs; leaves larger than common ragweed leaves

·         Flowers are on a fat, ragweed-like inflorescence, with small hooked burlike fruit at base at maturity



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Updated 19 January 2019