Old Testament/Hebrew Bible Bibliography on Gender Studies/Women in Antiquity

Victor H. Matthews (VictorMatthews@missouristate.edu)

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Abel, F.M., "L’anatheme de Jericho et la maison de Rahab," RB 57 (1950), 321-330.

Abma, R. Bonds of Love: Methodic Studies of Prophetic Texts with Marriage Imagery (Isaiah 50:1-3 and 54:1-10, 
    Hosea 1-3, Jeremiah 2-3)
. K. Van Gorcum & Co., 1999.

Abrahams, R.G. "Some Aspects of Levirate." In The Character of Kinship. Edited by J. Goody. Cambridge: Cambridge
    University Press, 1973:163-174.

Ackerman, J.S., "Prophecy and warfare in early Israel: a study of the Deborah-Barak story," BASOR 220 (1975), 5-13.

Ackerman, S., "Digging Up Deborah: Recent Hebrew Bible Scholarship on Gender and the Contribution of Archaeology," NEA
    66/4 (2003), 172-184.

_____, "Why is Miriam Also Among the Prophets? (And Is Zipporah among the Priests?)," JBL 121 (2002),

_____. Warriors, Dancer, Seductress, Queen: Women in Judges and Biblical Israel. New York:
    Doubleday, 1998.

_____, "The Queen Mother and the Cult in Ancient Israel," JBL 112 (1993a), 385-401.

_____, "Child Sacrifice: Returning God's Gift," Bible Review 9 (1993b), 20-29, 56.

_____. Under Every Green Tree: Popular Religion in Sixth-Century Judah. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1992.

_____, "Sacred Sex, Sacrifice and Death: Understanding a Prophetic Poem," BRev 6 (1990), 38-44.

_____, "`And the Women Knead Dough': the Worship of the Queen of Heaven in Sixth Century Judah," in P.L. Day, ed.
   Gender and Difference in Ancient Israel. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1989: 109-24.

Ackroyd, P.R., "Goddesses, Women, and Jezebel," in A. Cameron and A. Kuhrt, eds. Images of Women in Antiquity.
    London: Croom Helm, 1983:245-259.

_____, "Note to Parzon "iron" in the Song of Deborah," JSS 24 (1979), 19-20.

Adamo, D., "The African Wife of Moses: An Examination of Numbers 12:1-9," Africa Theological Journal 18 (1989),

Adler, E.J. The Background for the Metaphor of Covenant as Marriage in the Hebrew Bible. (Ph.D. dissertation:
    Berkeley: University of California, 1990).

Adler, R., "A Mother in Israel, Aspects of the Mother Role in Jewish Myth," in R.M. Gross, ed. Beyond Androcentrism:
    New Essays on Women and Religion (Missoula: Scholars Press, 1977), 237-255.

Aharoni, Y., "Tamar and the roads to Elath `Ain Husb as location of Tamar?," Israel Exploration Journal 13/1 (1963),

Ahroni, R. "The Levirate and Human Rights." In Jewish Law and Current Legal Problems. Edited by N. Rakover.

Ahuviah, A., "And He Loved Rachel More than Leah," Beit Mikra 39 (1994), 276-78 (Hebrew).

Aitken, K.T., "The Wooing of Rebekah: a Study in the Development of Tradition," JSOT 30 (1984), 3-23.

Albright, W.F., "Astarte Plaques and Figurines from Tell Beit Mirsim," in Melanges syriens offerts à Monsieur Rene
. Paris: Guethner, 1939:107-120.

_____, "The Goddess of Life and Wisdom," AJSL 36 (1919-20), 258-94.

Alexander, T.D., "Are the Wife/Sister Incidents of Genesis Literary Compositional Variants?," VT 42 (1992), 145-53.

_____, "The Hagar Traditions in Genesis xvi and xxi," in J.A. Emerton, ed. Studies in the Pentateuch (VTSupp 41;
    Leiden: Brill, 1990:131-48.

Alexiou, M. and P. Dronke, "The Lament of Jephthah's Daughter," Studi Medievali 12/2 (1971), 819-63.

Allegro, J.M., "The Wiles of the Wicked Woman: A Sapiential Work from Qumran's Fourth Cave," PEQ 96 (1964), 53-55.

Allen, C.G., "Who Was Rebekah? 'On Me Be the Curse, My Son.'" in R.M. Gross, ed. Beyond Androcentrism. Missoula,
    MT: Scholars Press, 1977: 183-216.

Allen, D.B., "The `Bloody Bridegroom' in Exodus 4:24-26," BS 153 (1996), 259-69.

Alter, Robert, "How convention helps us read: the case of the Bible's annunciation type-scene," Prooftexts 3 (1983),

Amaru, B.H., "Portraits of Biblical Women in Josephus' Antiquities," JJS 39 (1988), 143-70.

Amiran, R. and M. Tadmor, "A female cult statuette from chalcolithic Beer-sheba," IEJ 30/3-4 (1980), 137-39.

Amit, Y., "A Prophet Tested: Elisha, the Great Woman of Shunem, and the Story's Double Message," BibInt 11
     (2003), 279-94.

_____, "`Am I Not More Devoted to You Than Ten Sons?' (1 Samuel 1.8): Male and Female Interpretations," in
    Feminist Companion to Samuel and Kings, 1994:68-76.

_____, "`Manoah Promptly Followed his Wife' (Judges 13.11): On the Place of the Woman in Birth Narratives," in
    Feminist Companion to Judges
, 1993:146-156.

_____, "Judges 4: Its Contents and Form," JSOT 39 (1987), 89-111.

Andersen, F.I., "Israelite Kinship Terminology and Social Structure," Bib Translator 20 (1970), 29-39.

_____, "Socio-juridical background of the Naboth incident," JBL 85 (1966), 46-57.

_____ and D.N. Freedman. Hosea (AB, 24; Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1980).

Anderson, B.W., "Miriam's Challenge," BRev 10/3 91994), 16, 55.

_____, "The Song of Miriam poetically and theologically considered," In Directions in biblical Hebrew poetry,
    1987: 285-96.

_____, "Moving Beyond Masculine Metaphors," BRev 10/5 (1994), 22, 57-58.

_____, "The Place of the Book of Esther in the Christian Bible," Journal of Religion 30 (1950), 32-43.

Anderson, C.B. Women, Ideology, and Violence: Critical Theory and the Construction of Gender in the Book of the
    Covenant and the Deuteronomic Law
. JSOTSup 394; London: T & T Clark, 2004.

Anderson, G.A., "Is Eve the Problem?," in C. Seitz and K. Green-McCreight, eds. Theological Exegesis: Essays
    in Honor of Brevard S. Childs
. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1999:96-123.

Anderson, J.C., "Mapping Feminist Biblical Criticism: The American Scene, 1983-1990," in E.J. Epps, ed. Critical
    Review of Books: 1991
. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1991: 21-44.

Anderson, R., "A Tent Full of Bedouin Women [Tamar in Gen 38]," Daughters of Sarah 19 (1993), 34-35.

Anderson, T.D., "Renaming and Wedding Imagery in Isaiah 62," Bib 67 (1986), 75-80.

Andreasen, N.E.A. "The Role of the Queen Mother in Israelite Society." CBQ 45 (1983), 179-94.

Andrew, M.E., "Moving from Death to Life: Verbs of Motion in the Story of Judah and Tamar in Gen 38," ZAW 105
    (1993), 262-69.

Angerstorfer, A., "Asherah als `consort of Jahwe' oder Ashirtah?," BN 17 (1982), 7-16.

Appler, D.A., "From Queen to Cuisine: Food Imagery in the Jezebel Narrative," Semeia 86 (1999), 55-71.

Arnold, B.T., "Necomancy and Cleromancy in 1 and 2 Samuel," CBQ 66 (2004), 199-213.

Aschkenasy, N. Woman at the Window: Biblical Tales of Oppression and Escape. Detroit: Wayne State U. Press, 1998.

_____. Eve's Journey: Feminine Images in Hebraic Literary Tradition. Philadelphia: U. of PA Press, 1986.

Asen, B.A., "Deborah, Barak and Bees: Apis mellifera, Apiculture and Judges 4 and 5," ZAW 109/4 (1997), 514-533.

Ashby, G.W., "The Bloody Bridegroom: the Interpretation of Exodus 4:24-26," ExpT 106 (1995), 203-205.

Asher-Greve, J.M. and Mary F. Wogec, "Women and Gender in Ancient Near Eastern Cultures: Bibliography 1885 to 2001 AD,"
Journal of Gender Studies in Antiquity 3 (2002). [NIN: Journal of Gender Studies in Antiquity]

Ashley, K.M., "Interrogating Biblical Deception and Trickster Theories: Narrative of Patriarchy or Possibility?," Semeia
    42 (1988), 105-106.

Assis, E., "Man, Woman and God in Judg 4," SJOT 20 (2006), 110-24.

_____, “The Choice to Serve God and Assist His People: Rahab and Yael,” Biblica  85/1 (2004), 82-90.

Augustin, M. and K.D. Schunck, eds. "Wünschet Jerusalem Frieden": collected communications to XIIth Congress of
    Int'l Org for Study of the Old Testament
(Jerusalem, 1986). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1988.

_____, "Die Inbesitznahme der schönen Frau aus der unterschiedlichen Sicht der Schwachen und der Mächtigen [Gen
    12:10-20; 2 Sam 11:2-27a]," Biblische Zeitschrift 27/2 (1983),145-154.

Avigad, N., "The Seal of Jezebel," IEJ 14 (1964), 274-76.

Aycock, A., "Potiphar's Wife: Prelude to a Structural Exegesis," Man 27 (1992), 479-494.

Ayo, N. Sacred Marriage: The Wisdom of the Song of Songs. New York: Continuum, 1997.

Bach, A., "De-Doxifying Miriam," in S.M. Olyan and R.C. Culley, eds. "A Wise and Discerning Mind." Providence, RI:
    Brown Judaic Studies, 2000: 1-10.

_____ ed. Women in the Hebrew Bible: a Reader. New York: Routledge, 1999a.

_____, "Rereading the Body Politic: Women and Violence in Judges 21," in A. Brenner, ed. Judges (Feminist
     Companion to the Hebrew Bible; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999b), 143-59.

_____, "Rereading the Body Politic: Women and Violence in Judges 21," Biblical Interpretation 6/1 (1998a), 1-19.

_____, "Whitewashing Athena: Gaining Perspective on Bernal and the Bible," JSOT 77 (1998b), 3-19.

_____. Women, Seduction, Betrayal in Biblical Narrative. Cambridge: Cambridge U. Press, 1997a.

_____, "Directing Salome's Dance of Death," Semeia 74 (1997b), 103-126.

_____, "Throw Them to the Lions, Sire: The Bible as Cultural Artifact in American Film," Semeia 74 (1997c), 1-12.

_____, "Tracing Eve's Journey from Eden to MTV," Biblical Media in Translation. ABS/Paulist Press, 1996.

_____, "Mirror, Mirror in the Text: Reflections on Reading and Rereading," FCEJS, 1995:81-86.

_____, "With a Song in Her Heart: Listening to Scholars Listening to Miriam," FCED (1994a), 243-54.

_____, "The Pleasure of Her Text [1 Samuel 25]," in FCSK, 1994b: 106-128.

_____, "Good to the Last Drop: Viewing the Sotah (Numbers 5.11-31) as the Glass Half Empty and Wondering How to
    View it Half Full," in J.C. Exum and D.J. Clines, eds. The New Literary Criticism and the Hebrew Bible. Sheffield:
    JSOT Press, 1993a:26-54.

_____, "Signs of the Flesh: Observations on Characterizations in the Bible," Semeia 63 (1993b), 61-79.

_____, "Breaking Free of the Biblical Frame-Up: Uncovering the Woman in Genesis 39," in Feminist Companion to
, 1993c:318-342.

_____, "Reading Allowed: Feminist Biblical Criticism Approaching the Millennium," Currents in Research: Biblical
    Studies 1
(1993d), 191-215.

_____, "Mieke Bal and the Method Which is Not One," USQR 44 (1990a), 333-341.

_____, "The Pleasure of Her Text," in A. Bach, ed. The Pleasure of Her Text: Feminist Readings of Biblical and
    Historical Texts
. Philadelphia: Trinity Press International, 1990b:25-44.

Bail, U., "`Vernim, Gott, mein gebet': Psalm 55 und Gewalt gegen Frauen," in H. Jahnow, et al, eds. Feministische
    Hermeneutik und Erstes Testament
. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1994:67-84.

Bailey, C., "How desert culture helps us understand the Bible: Bedouin law explains reaction to rape of  Dinah," BRev 7
    (1991), 14-21, 38.

Bailey, J.L., "Josephus' Portrayal of the Matriarchs," in L.H. Feldman and g. Hata, eds. Josephus, Judaism, and Christianity
    Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1987:154-79.

Bailey, R.C., "The Redemption of Yahweh: a Literary Critical Function of the Songs of Hannah and David," BibInt 3
    (1995a), 213-30.

_____, "They're Nothing But Incestuous Bastards: The Polemical Use of Sex and Sexuality in Hebrew Canon
    Narratives," in F.F. Segovia and M.A. Tolbert, eds. Reading from This Place. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1995b:

_____. David in Love and War: The Pursuit of Power in 2 Samuel 10-12. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1990.

Bal, M., "Myth a la lettre: Freud, Mann, Genesis and Rembrandt, and the Story of the Son," in Feminist Companion to
, 1993a:343-378.

_____, "A Body of Writing: Judges 19," in Feminist Companion to Judges, 1993b:208-230.

_____, "Heroism and Proper Names, or the Fruits of Analogy," in Feminist Companion to Ruth, 1993c:42- 69.

_____, "Lots of Writing [Esther]," Semeia 54 (1991), 77-102.

_____, "Dealing/With/Women: Daughters in the Book of Judges," in R.M. Schwartz, ed. The Book and the Text: The
    Bible and Literary Theory
. Cambridge: Blackwell, 1990:16-39.

_____, ed. Anti-Covenant: Counter-Reading Women's Lives in the Hebrew Bible. Sheffield: Almond, 1989a.

_____, "Between Altar and Wondering Rock: Toward a Feminist Philology," in M. Bal, Anti-Covenant (1989b), 211-243.

_____, "Reading as Empowerment: The Bible from a Feminist Perspective," in B.N. Olshen and Y.S. Feldman, eds.
   Approaches to Teaching the Hebrew Bible as Literature in Translation. New York: Modern Language
    Association of America, 1989c.

_____. Murder and Difference: Gender, Genre, and Scholarship on Sisera's Death. Bloomington: Indiana University
    Press, 1988a.

_____. Death and Dissymmetry: The Politics of Coherence in the Book of Judges. Chicago: University of Chicago
    Press, 1988b.

_____. Lethal Love: Feminist Literary Readings of Biblical Love Stories. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987.

Balz-Cochois, H., "Gomer oder die Macht der Astarte: Versuch einer femininistischen Interpretation von Hos 1-4," EvT
42 (1982),37-65.

_____. Gomer: Der Hohenkult-Israels im Selbstverstandnis der Volksfrommigkeit. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1982.

Banon, D., "Exégèse biblique et philosophie [Gen 38]," Etudes Théologiques et Religieuses 66/4 (1991), 489-504.

Bar-Efrat, S., "The Narrative of Amnon and Tamar," in Narrative Art in the Bible. Bible and Literature 17. Sheffield:
    Almond Press, 1989:239-282.

Barnes, P., "Was Rahab's Lie a Sin?," RTR 54 (1995), 1-9.

Barr, J. The Garden of Eden and the Hope of Immortality. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1992.

_____, "The Vulgate Genesis and St. Jerome's Attitude to Women," Studia Patristica 18 (1982), 268-73.

Barstad, Hans M., "The Old Testament personal name rachab: an onomastic note," In: Svensk exegetisk arsbok, 54; ed.
    L. Hartman (1989), 43-49.

Bass, D.C., "Women's Studies and Biblical Studies: An Historical Perspective," JSOT 22 (1982), 6-12.

Bassler, J., "Adam, Eve, and the pastor: the use of Genesis 2-3 in the Pastoral Epistles," In G. Robbins, ed. Genesis 1-3
    in the history of exegesis,

Batten, L.W., "Hosea's Message and Marriage," JBL 48 (1929), 257.

Batto, B.F., "The Institution of Marriage in Genesis 2 and in Atrahasis," CBQ 62 (2000), 621-31.

Bauckham, R., "The Book of Ruth and the Possibility of a Feminist Canonical Hermeneutic," BibInt 5 (1997), 29-45.

_____.  Is the Bible Male? The Book of Ruth and Biblical Narrative. Cambridge: Grove Press, 1996.

Bauer, A. Gender in the Book of Jeremiah: a Feminist-Literary Reading. New York: Peter Lang, 1999.

Bauer, D., "Ein Mann kommt nach oben. Bericht von einer Manner-Bibelarbeit auf fem Dresdner Katholikentag," Bibel
    und Kirche
51 (1996), 28-32.

Baumann, G., "A Figure with Many Facets: The Literary and Theological Functions of Personified Wisdom in Proverbs
    1-9," in A. Brenner and C. Fontaine, eds. Wisdom and Psalms. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Pr., 1998: 44-78.

_____, "Gottes Geist und Gottes Weisheit: eine Verknüpfung," in H. Jahnow, et al, eds. Feministische
(1994), 138-48.

Baumgarten, J.M., "A Fragment on Fetal Life and Pregnancy in 4Q270," Pomegranates and Golden Bells, 1995:445-448.

_____, "On the Nature of the Seductress in 4Q184," Revue de Qumran 15 (1991), 133-43.

Beach, E.F. and F.L. Prior, "How Did Adam and Eve Make a Living?," BRev 11/2 (1995), 38-42.

Beal, T.K. The Book of Hiding: Gender, Ethnicity, Annihilation, and Esther. New York: Routledge, 1997.

_____, "Tracing Esther's Beginnings," FCEJS, 1995:87-110.

Beattie, D.R.G. Jewish Exegesis of the Book of Ruth. JSOTSup 2; Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1977.

_____, "The Book of Ruth as Evidence for Israelite Legal Practice," VT 24/3 (1974), 251-67.

_____, "Kethibh and Qere in Ruth 4:5," VT 21 (1971), 490-94.

Bechtel, L.M., "A Feminist Reading of Genesis 19:1-11," in A. Brenner, ed. Genesis. A Feminist Companion to the Bible,
    2nd series; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998: 108-28.

_____, "Genesis 2.4b-3.24: A Myth about Human Maturation," JSOT 67 (1995a), 3-26.

_____, "A Feminist Approach to the Book of Job," FCWL, 1995b: 222-251.

_____, "What If Dinah Is Not Raped? (Genesis 34)," JSOT 62 (1994), 19-36.

_____, "Rethinking the Interpretation of Genesis 2.4b-3.24," in Feminist Companion to Genesis, 1993:77-117.

_____, "Shame as a Sanction of Social Control in Biblical Israel: Judicial, Political, and Social Shaming," JSOT 49 (1991),

Becking, B. and M. Dijkstra, eds. On Reading Prophetic Texts: Gender-Specific and Related Studies in Memory of
    Fokkelien van Dijk-Hemmes
. Leiden: Brill, 1996.

Be'er, I., "Blood Discharge: On Female Im/Purity in the Priestly Code and in Biblical Narrative," FCED (1994), 152-64.

Begg, C.T., "The Abigail Story (1 Samuel 25) According to Josephus," Estudios Biblicos54 (1996), 5-34.

Begrich, J., "Atalja, die tochter Omris," ZAW 53 (1935), 78-79.

Bekkenkamp, J. and F. Van Dijk, "The Canon of the Old Testament and Women's Cultural Traditions," in FCSS,

Bellis, A.O., "The Gender and Motives of the Wisdom Teacher in Proverbs 7," in Wisdom and Psalms (1998), 79-91.

_____, "The Gender and Motives of the Wisdom Teacher in Proverbs 7," Bulletin for Biblical Research6 (1996),

_____, "Objective Biblical Truth Versus the Value of Various Viewpoints," HBT 17 (1995), 26-36.

_____. Helpmates, Harlots, and Heroes: Women's Stories in the Hebrew Bible. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox,

Ben-Barak, Z., "The Status and Right of the gebira," in FCSK, 1994: 170-185.

_____, "The Daughters of Job," EI 24 (1993), 41-48. (Hebrew)

_____, "The Status and Right of the Gebira," JBL 110 (1991), 23-34.

_____, "The Queen Consort and the Struggle for Succession to the Throne," in J.M. Durand, ed. La femme dans le
    Proche-Orient antique.
Paris: Recherche sur les Civilisations, 1987:33-40.

_____, "Inheritance by Daughters in the Ancient Near East," JSS 25 (1980), 22-33.

_____, "The Legal Background to the Restoration of Michal to David," in J.A. Emerton, ed. Studies in the Historical
    Books of the Old Testament.
VTSupp 30; Leiden: Brill, 1979.

Benjamin, D.C., "Stories of Adam and Eve," in H. Sun, ed. Problems in Biblical Theology. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,

_____, "A Story of Rahab as Host, Not Harlot (Josh 2:1-24 & 6:22-25)," Explorations 12 (1993), 55-80.

_____, "The Persistant Widow--Parables in Ruth and Luke." TBT 28 (1990):213-19.

_____, "Israel's God: Mother and Midwife," BTB 19 (1989), 115-120.

Bennett, H.V. Injustice Made Legal: Deuteronomic Law and the Plight of Widows, Strangers, and Orphans in
    Ancient Israel
. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2002.

Berg, S.B. The Book of Esther: Motifs, Themes, and Structures. Missoula: Scholars Press, 1979.

Bergant, D., "The Song of Songs: An Introduction," TBT 36 (May, 1998), 140-46.

_____, "`My Beloved Is Mine and I am His’ (Song 2:16): The Song of Songs and Honor and Shame," Semeia 68
    (1996), 23-40.

_____, "Might Job Have Been a Feminist," TBT 28/6 (1990), 336-341.

Berlin, A., "The Book of Esther and Ancient Storytelling," JBL 120 (2001), 3-14.

_____, "Characterization in Biblical Narrative: David's Wives," JSOT 23 (1982), 69-85.

Berlyn, P.J., "The Great Ladies," JBQ 24 (1996), 26-35.

Berquist, J.L. Controlling Corporeality: The Body and the Household in Ancient Israel. New Brunswick, NJ:
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Bigger, Stephen F., "The Family Laws of Leviticus 18 in their Setting," JBL 98 (1979), 187-203.

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Bird, P. Missing Persons and Mistaken Identities: Women and Gender in Ancient Israel. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1997.

_____, "Women in the Ancient Mediterranean World: Ancient Israel," Biblical Research 39 (1994), 31-45.

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_____, "The Place of Women in the Israelite Cultus," in P.D. Miller, et al, eds. Ancient Israelite Religion. Philadelphia:
    Fortress, 1987:397-420.

_____, "`Male and Female He Created Them': Gen. 1:27b in the Context of the Priestly Account of Creation," HTR 77
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    and Schuster, 1974:41-88.

Black, F.C., "Beauty of the Beast? the Grotesque Body in the Song of Songs," BibInt 8 (2000), 302-23.

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Bledstein, A.J., "Was Eve Cursed?," BRev 9/1 (1993a), 42-45.

_____, "Are Women Cursed in Genesis 3.16?," in Feminist Companion to Genesis, 1993b:142-145.

_____, "Binder, Trickster, Heel and Hairy-Man: Re-reading Genesis 27 as a Trickster Tale Told by a Woman," in
    Feminist Companion to Genesis, 1993c:282-295.

_____, "Is Judges a Woman's Satire on Men who Play God?," Feminist Companion to Judges, 1993d:34-54.

_____, "Female Companionships: If the Book of Ruth were Written by a Woman," in Feminist Companion to Ruth,

_____, "Was Habbirya a Healing Ritual Performed by a Woman in King David's House?," Biblical Research 37 (1992),

_____, "The Trials of Sarah," Judaism 30 (1981), 411-17.

Blenkinsopp, J., "Life Expectancy in Ancient Palestine," SJOT 11 (1997), 44-55.

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    JSOT 83 (1999), 83-98.

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