AGP 363 – Landscape Plants

Plant ID List #12

DECIDUOUS TREES-- The Beech Family

Click on the plant names below to open web pages with their photos and descriptions.

Common Name                        Scientific Name                                    Family Name

*American Chestnut                   Castanea dentata                                    Fagaceae

Chinese Chestnut                      Castanea chinensis                                Fagaceae

American Beech                        Fagus grandifolia                                    Fagaceae

European Beech                        Fagus sylvatica                                      Fagaceae

*Sawtooth Oak                          Quercus acutissima                                Fagaceae

White Oak                                 Quercus alba                                          Fagaceae

Swamp White Oak                     Quercus bicolor                                     Fagaceae

*Turkey Oak                               Quercus cerris                                        Fagaceae

Scarlet Oak                               Quercus coccinea                                   Fagaceae

*Southern Red Oak                   Quercus falcata                                      Fagaceae

Shingle Oak                               Quercus imbricaria                                 Fagaceae

Overcup Oak                             Quercus lyrata                                        Fagaceae

Bur Oak                                     Quercus macrocarpa                              Fagaceae

*Blackjack Oak                           Quercus marilandica                              Fagaceae

Swamp Chestnut Oak                Quercus michauxii                                 Fagaceae

Chinkapin Oak                           Quercus muhlenbergii                            Fagaceae

Water Oak                                 Quercus nigra                                         Fagaceae

*Nuttall Oak                                Quercus nuttallii                                     Fagaceae

Pin Oak                                      Quercus palustris                                   Fagaceae

Willow Oak                                 Quercus phellos                                     Fagaceae

*English Oak                              Quercus robur                                         Fagaceae

Fastigiate English Oak               Quercus robur ‘Fastigiata’                      Fagaceae

Red Oak                                     Quercus rubra                                        Fagaceae

Shumard Oak                             Quercus shumardii                                 Fagaceae

*Post Oak                                   Quercus stellata                                     Fagaceae

Black Oak                                  Quercus velutina                                    Fagaceae