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Hebrew Prophets Bibliography

Dr. Victor H. Matthews

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An Estonian translation by Catherine Desroches of the contents of this bibliography can be found at

Last Updated: November 27, 2017 

Note that I have prepared more comprehensive bibliographies available on:


Table of Contents:

Ancient Near Eastern Prophecy
General Articles and Books on Israelite Prophecy
Pre-monarchic and Early Monarchic Prophets
Monarchic Prophets (without books)
Elijah and Elisha

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Ancient Near Eastern Prophecy:

Anbar, M., "Mari and the Origin of Prophecy," in A.F. Rainey, ed. kinattūtu ša dārâti: Raphael
     Kutscher Memorial Volume
. Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University, 1993: 1-5.

_____, "Aspect moral dans un discourts 'prophetique' de Mari," UF 7 (1975), 517-18.

Asurmendi, J., et al. Prophéties et oracles 1: dans le Proche-Orient ancien. Supplement au
     cahier Evangile 88; Paris: Cerf, 1994a.

_____. Prophéties et oracles 2: en Égypte et en Grèce. SCE 89; Paris: Cerf, 1994b.

Barstad, H., "No Prophets? Recent Developments in Biblical Prophetic Research and Ancient
     Near Eastern Prophecy," JSOT 57 (1993), 39-60.

Beaulieu, P.-A., “The Historical Background of the Uruk Prophecy,” in M.E. Cohen. ed.
    The Tablet and the Scroll. Bethesda, MD: CDL Press, 1993: 41-52.

Biggs, R.D., “Babylonian Prophecies, Astrology, and a New Source for ‘Prophecy Text
    B’,” in F. Rochberg-Halton, ed. Language, Literature, and History. AOS 67; New
    Haven: American Oriental Society, 1987: 1-14.

_____, “The Babylonian Prophecies and the Astrological Texts,” JCS 37 (1985), 86-90.

_____, “More Babylonian ‘Prophecies’,” Iraq 29 (1967), 117-32.

Borger, R., “Gott Marduk und Gott-Konig Šulgi als Propheten: Zwei prophetische Text,”
    BO 28 (1971), 3-24.

Charpin, D., “Le contexte historique et géographique des prophéties dans les texts
    retrouvés à Mari,” Bulletin of the Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies 23
    (1992), 28-32.

Cody, A., “The Phoenician Ecstatic in Wenamun: A Professional Oracular Medium,”
    JEA 65 (1979), 99-106.

Craghan, J.F., "Mari and its Prophets. The Contributions of Mari to the Understanding of
    Biblical Prophecy,"BTB 5 (1975), 32-55.

_____, "The ARM X 'Prophetic' Texts: Their Media, Style and Structure," JANES 6
    (1974), 39-57.

de Jong Ellis, M., "Observations on Mesopotamian Oracles and Prophetic Texts: Literary
    and Historiographic Considerations," JCS 41 (1989), 127-86.

Durand, J.-M., “Le combat entre le Dieu de l’orage et la Mer,” Mari 7 (1993), 39-61.

Ellermeier, F. Prophetie in Mari und Israel. Herzberg: Verlag Erwin Jungfer, 1968.

Ellis, M.deJ., “Observations on Mesopotamian Oracles and Prophetic Texts: Literary and
    Historical Considerations,” JCS 41 (1989), 127-38.

_____, “The Goddess Kititum Speaks to King Ibalpiel: Oracle Texts from Ishchali,”
    MARI 5 (1987), 235-66.

Finkel, I.L., “Necromancy in Ancient Mesopotamia,” AfO 29/30 (1983/84), 1-17.

Fleming, D.E., "Southern Mesopotamian Titles for Temple Personnel in the Mari Archives," in J.
     Kaltner and L. Stulman, eds. Inspired Speech. JSOTSup 378; London: T & T Clark, 2004:

Geyer, J.B., "Mythology and Culture in the Oracles Against the Nations," VT 36 (1986), 129-45.

Goldstein, J.A., “The Historical Setting of the Uruk Prophecy,” JNES 47 (1988), 43-46.

Gordon, R.P., "From Mari to Moses: Prophecy at Mari and in Ancient Israel," in H.A.
    McKay and D.J. Clines, eds. Of Prophets' Visions and the Wisdom of Sages. Sheffield:
    Sheffield Academic Press, 1993:63-79.

Grayson, A.K. and W.G. Lambert, “Akkadian Prophecies,” JCS 18 (1964), 7-30.

Green, A.R., "Esarhaddon, Sanduarri, and the Adon Papyrus," in J. Kaltner and L. Stulman,
     eds. Inspired Speech. JSOTSup 378; London: T & T Clark, 2004: 88-97.

Hackett, J.A. The Balaam Text from Deir 'Alla. HSM 31; Chico, CA: Scholars Press,

Hallo, W.W., “Akkadian Apocalypses,” IEJ 16 (1966), 231-42.

Hermann, S., “Prophetie in Israel und Ägypten: Recht und Grenze eines Vergleiches,”|
     Congress Volume: Bonn 1962. VTSup 9; Leiden: Brill, 1963: 47-65.

Hoftijzer, J. and G. van der Kooij, eds. The Balaam Text from Deir 'Alla Re-evaluated.
    Leiden: Brill, 1991.

Hunger, H. and S.A. Kaufman, “A New Akkadian Prophecy Text,” JAOS 95 (1975), 271-

Isbell, C.D., “Origins of Prophetic Frenzy and Ecstatic Utterance in the Old Testament,”
    Wesleyan Theological Journal 11 (1976), 62-80.

Koch, K., "Die Briefe 'Profetischen' Inhalts aus Mari. Bemerkungen zu Gattung und Sitz
    im Leben," UF 4 (1972), 53-77.

Lafont, B., "Le roi de Mari et les prophetes du dieu Adad," RA 78 (1984), 7-18.

Lemaire, A., "Mari, la Bible et le monde nord-ouest semitique," MARI 4 (1985), 549-58.

McConville, J.G., "Ezra-Nehemiah and the Fulfillment of Prophecy," VT 36 (1986), 205-224.

Malamat, A., "A New Prophetic Message from Aleppo and its Biblical Counters," in
    A.G. Auld, ed. Understanding Poets and Prophets. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic
    Press, 1993: 236-41.

_____. Mari and Early Israelite Experience. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989a.

_____, "Parallels between the New Prophecies from Mari and Biblical Prophecy," NABU
    1989b/4: 61-63.

_____, "A Forerunner of Biblical Prophecy: The Mari Documents," in P.D. Miller, et al.,
    eds. Ancient Israelite Religion. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1987: 33-52.

_____, "A Mari Prophecy and Nathan's Dynastic Oracle," in J. Emerton, ed. Prophecy.
    Berlin: de Gruyter, 1980: 68-82.

_____, "Prophetic Revelations in New Documents from Mari and the Bible," SVT 15
    (1966), 207 ff.

Mendenhall, G.E., "The Amorite Heritage in the West," in J. Kaltner and L. Stulman, eds.
     Inspired Speech. JSOTSup 378; London: T & T Clark, 2004: 12-16.

Millard, A.R., "La prophetie et l'ecriture--Israel, Aram, Assyrie," RHR 2002/2 (1985),

Moran, W.L., “An Ancient Prophetic Oracle,” in G. Braulik, W. Gross, and S.
    McEvenue, eds. Biblische Theologie und gesellschaftlicher Wandel. Freiburg: Herder,
    1993: 252-59.

_____, "New Evidence from Mari on the History of Prophecy," Biblica 50 (1969), 15-56.

Nakata, I., "Two Remarks on the So-called Prophetic Texts from Mari," Acta
4 (1982), 143-48.

Nissinen, M., "What is Prophecy? An Ancient Near Eastern Perspective," in J. Kaltner and L.
     Stulman, eds. Inspired Speech. JSOTSup 378; London: T & T Clark, 2004: 17-37.

_____ (with contributions by C.L. Seow & R.K. Ritner). Prophets and Prophecy in the
     Ancient Near East
. Atlanta: SBL, 2003.

Noort, E. Untersuchungen zum Gottesbescheid in Mari: Die 'Mari-prophetie' in der
    alttestamentlichen Forschung
. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1977.

Parker, S.B., "Official Attitudes toward Prophecy at Mari and in Israel," VT 43 (1993),

Ringgren, H., “Akkadian Apocalypses,” in D. Hellholm, ed. Apocalypticism in the
    Mediterranean World and the Near East
. Tubingen: Mohr, 1983: 279-86.

Roberts, J.J.M., “The Mari Prophetic Texts in Transliteration and English Translation,”
    in The Bible and the Ancient Near East: Collected Essays. Winona Lake, IN:
    Eisenbrauns, 2002: 157-253.

Ross, J.F., "Prophecy in Hamath, Israel, and Mari," HTR 63 (1970), 1-28.

Sasson, J.M., “Mari Dreams,” JAOS 103 (1983), 283-93.

_____, “An Apocalyptic Vision from Mari?: Speculations on ARM X:9,” MARI 1 (1982),

Schart, A., “Combining Prophetic Oracles in Mari Letters and Jeremiah 36,” JANES 23
    (1995), 75-93.

Schmitt, A. Prophetischer Gottesbescheid in Mari und Israel. Eine
. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1982.

Shupak, N., "Egyptian 'Prophetic' Writings and Biblical Wisdom Literature," BN 54
    (1990a), 81-102.

_____, "Egyptian 'Prophecy' and Biblical Prophecy," Shnaton 11 (1990b), 1-40.

van der Toorn, K., "L'oracle de victoire comme expression prophetique au proche-orient
    ancien," RB 94 (1987), 63-97.

Weinfeld, M., "Ancient Near Eastern Patterns in Prophetic Literature," VT 27 (1977),

Weippert, M., "Assyrische Prophetien der Zeit Asarhaddons und Assurbanipals," in F.M.
    Fales, ed. Assyrian Royal Inscriptions: New Horizons. Rome, 1981: 71-115.

_____, “’Heiliger Krieg’ in Israel und Assyrien: Kritische Anmerkungen zu Gerhard von
    Rads Konzept des ‘Heiligen Kirieges im alten Israel,’” ZAW 84 (1972), 460-93.

General Articles and Books on Israelite Prophecy:

Ackroyd, P.R. Exile and Restoration. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1968.

Akao, J.O., "Biblical Call Narratives: An Investigation Into the Underlying Structures,"
    Ogbomoso Journal of Theology 8 (1993), 1-11.

Andre, G., “Ecstatic Prophesy in the Old Testament,” in N. Holm, ed. Religious Ecstasy.
    Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1982: 187-200.

Auld, A.G., "Word of God and Words of Man: Prophets and Canon," in L. Eslinger and
    G. Taylor, eds. Ascribe to the Lord. JSOTSup 67; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press,
    1988: 237-51.

_____, "Prophets through the Looking Glass: Between Writings and Moses," JSOT 27
    (1983), 3-23.

Aune, D.E. Prophecy in Early Christianity and the Ancient Mediterranean World. Grand
    Rapids: Eerdmans, 1983.

Baltzer, K., "Considerations Regarding the Office and Calling of the Prophet," HTR 61
    (1968), 567-81.

Barstad, H.M., "No Prophets? Recent Developments in Biblical Prophetic Research and
    Ancient Near Eastern Prophecy," JSOT 57 (1993a), 39-60.

_____, “Lachish Ostracon III and Ancient Israelite Prophecy,” EI 24 (1993b), 8-12.

Barton, J., "Prophecy and Theodicy," in J.J. Ahn and S.L. Cook, eds. Thus Says the Lord:
    Essays on the Former and Latter Prophets in Honor of Robert R. Wilson
. New York/
    London: T & T Clark, 2009: 73-86.

_____, "The Prophets and the Cult," in J. Day, ed. Temple and Worship in Biblical Israel.
    London/New York: T & T Clark, 2005: 111-22.

_____. Oracles of God: Perceptions of Ancient Prophecy in Israel after the Exile.
    London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1986.

_____, "The Law and the Prophets: Who are the Prophets?" OTS 23 (1984), 1-18.

Begg, C.T., "The Classical Prophets in the Chronistic History," BZ 32 (1988), 100-107.

Ben Zvi, E., "Josiah and the Prophetic Books: Some Observations," in L.L. Grabbe, ed. Good
    Kings and Bad Kings
. London/New York: T & T Clark, 2005: 47-64.

_____, "The Prophets--Reference to Generic Prophets and their Role in the Construction of the
    Image of the 'Prophets of Old' Within the Postmonarchic Readership/s of the Book of Kings,"
    ZAW 116 (2004), 555-67.

_____, "Prophets and Prophecy in the Compositional and Redactional Notes in I-II
    Kings," ZAW 105 (1993), 331-51.

Berger, P., "Charisma and Religious Innovation: The Social Location of Israelite
    Prophecy," ASR 28 (1963), 940-50.

Berlinerblau, J., “The ‘Popular Religion’ Paradigm in Old Testament Research: A
    Sociological Critique,” JSOT 60 (1993), 3-26.

Blenkinsopp, J. A History of Prophecy in Israel: From the Settlement in the Land to the
    Hellenistic Period
. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1983.

_____. Prophecy and Canon. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1977.

Brown, J.P., "Men of the Land and the God of Justice in Greece and Israel," ZAW 95/3
    (1983), 376-402.

_____, "The Mediterranean Seer and Shamanism," ZAW 93 (1981), 374-400.

Bryce, G.E., “Omen-Wisdom in Ancient Israel,” JBL 94 (1975), 19-37.

Buss, M.J., "An Anthropological Perspective on Prophetic Call Narratives," Semeia 21
    (1981), 9-30.

Carroll, R.P., “YHWH’s Sour Grapes: Images of Food and Drink in the Prophetic
    Discourses of the Hebrew Bible,” Semeia 86 (1999), 113-31.

_____, “Is Humour Also Among the Prophets?” in J. Radday and A. Brenner, eds. On
     Humour and the Comic in the Hebrew Bible
. JSOTSup 92; Sheffield: Almond Press,
    1990: 169-89.

_____, “Prophecy and Society,” in R.E. Clements, ed. The World of Ancient Israel.
    Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989: 203-25.

_____, "Prophecy and Dissonance: A Theoretical Approach to the Prophetic Tradition,"
    ZAW 92 (1980), 108-19.

_____, “Twilight of Prophecy or Dawn of Apocalyptic?” JSOT 14 (1979), 3-35.

Cazelles, H., "The Canonical Approach to Torah and Prophets," JSOT 16 (1980), 28-31.

Childs, B.S., "Retrospective Reading of the Old Testament Prophets," ZAW 108 (1996),

Christensen, D.L. Transformations of the War Oracles in Old Testament Prophecy. HDR
    3; Missoula, MT: Scholars Press, 1975.

Clements, R.E., "The Prophet and His Editors," in D.J.A. Clines, et al., eds. The Bible in
    Three Dimensions
. JSOTSup 87; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1990: 203-20.

_____, "Prophecy as Literature: A Re-Appraisal," in D.G. Miller, ed. The Hermeneutical
. Allison Park, PA: Pickwick Press, 1986: 56-76.

_____, "The Form and Character of Prophetic Woe Oracles," Semitics 8 (1982), 17-29.

_____. Prophecy and Tradition. Oxford: Blackwell, 1975.

Clifford, R.J., "Cosmogonies in the Ugaritic Texts and in the Bible," Orientalia 53
     (1984), 183-201.

_____, "The Use of Hoy in the Prophets," CBQ 28 (1966), 458-64.

Clines, D.J.A., "He-Prophets: Masculinity as a Problem for the Hebrew Prophets and Their
     Interpreters," in A.G. Hunter and P.R. Davies, eds. Sense and Sensitivity. JSOTSup 348;
     London: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002: 311-28.

Coggins, R.J., "Prophecy--True or False," in H.A. McKay and D.J. Clines, eds. Of
    Prophets' Visions and the Wisdom of Sages
. Sheffield, 1993: 80-94.

Collins, T, "Deuteronomic Influence on the Prophetic Books," in A. Curtis and R. Romer,
    eds. The Book of Jeremiah and Its Reception. Leuven: Peeters, 1997: 15-26.

Conrad, E.W., "Forming the Twelve and Forming Canon," in P.L. Redditt and A. Schart, eds.
     Thematic Threads in the Book of the Twelve. BZAW 325; Berlin: de Gruyter, 2003: 90-103.

Cook, S.L. Prophecy and Apocalypticism: the Post-exilic Social Setting. Minneapolis:
    Fortress, 1995. BS646 .C66

Crenshaw, J.L., "Theodicy in the Book of the Twelve," in P.L. Redditt and A. Schart, eds.
     Thematic Threads in the Book of the Twelve. BZAW 325; Berlin: de Gruyter, 2003: 175-91.

_____. Prophetic Conflict: Its Effect upon Israelite Religion. BZAW 124; Berlin:
    de Gruyter, 1971.

Cryer, F.H. Divination in Ancient Israel and Its Near Eastern Environment: A Socio-
    Historical Investigation
. JSOTSup 142; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1994.

Deist, F.E., "The Prophets: Are We Heading for a Paradigm Switch?" in V. Fritz, et al.,
    eds. Prophet und Prophetenbuch. BZAW 185; Berlin: de Gruyter, 1989: 1-18.

DeVries, S.J., "The Interface Between Prophecy as Narrative and Prophecy as Proclamation,"
    in J.H. Ellens, et al, eds. God's Word for Our World, vol. I. JSOTSup 388; London/New York:
    T & T Clark, 2004: 211-46.

_____, "Futurism in the Pre-exilic Minor Prophets Compared with that of the Post-
     exilic Minor Prophets," in P.L. Redditt and A. Schart, eds. Thematic Threads in the
     Book of the Twelve
. BZAW 325; Berlin: de Gruyter, 2003: 252-72.

Eaton, J.H. Vision and Worship: The Relation of Prophecy and Liturgy in the Old
. London: SPCK, 1981.

Everson, A.J., "Days of Yahweh," JBL 93 (1974), 329-37.

Fenton, T.L., "Israelite Prophecy: Characteristics of the First Protest Movement," in J.C.
    de Moor, ed. The Elusive Prophet. Leiden: Brill, 2001: 129-41.

Fishelov, D., "The Prophet as Satirist," Prooftexts 9 (1989), 195-211.

Freedman, D.N., "Discourse on Prophetic Discourse," in H.B. Huffmon, et al, eds. The
    Quest for the Kingdom of God
. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1983: 141-58.

_____, "The Law and the Prophets," Congress Volume: VT Sup 9 (1963), 250-65.

_____ and R. Frey, "False Prophecy is True," in J. Kaltner and L. Stulman, eds.
     Inspired Speech. JSOTSup 378; London: T & T Clark, 2004: 82-87.

Fretheim, Terence E., “Theological reflections on the wrath of God in the Old Testament,”
    Horizons in Biblical Theology 24/2 (2002), 1-26.

Geller, S.A., "Were the Prophets Poets?" Prooftexts 3 (1983), 211-21.

Gerstenberger, E., "Psalms in the Book of the Twelve: How Misplaced are They?" in P.L.
     Redditt and A. Schart, eds. Thematic Threads in the Book of the Twelve. BZAW 325;
     Berlin: de Gruyter, 2003: 72-89.

_____, "The Woe-Oracles of the Prophets," JBL 81 (1962), 249-63.

Gnuse, R.K. No Other Gods: Emergent Monotheism in Israel. JSOTSup 241; Sheffield:
    Sheffield Academic Press, 1997.

Grabbe, L.L. Priests, Prophets, Diviners, Sages: A Socio-historical Study of Religious
    Specialists in Ancient Israel
. Valley Forge, PA: Trinity Press International, 1995.

_____, "Prophets, Priests, Diviners and Sages in Ancient Israel," in H.A. McKay and D.J.
    Clines, eds. Of Prophets' Visions and the Wisdom of Sages. Sheffield, 1993: 43-62.

Graffy, A. A Prophet Confronts His People: The Disputation Speech in the Prophets.
    Rome: Biblical Institute Press, 1984.

Greenspahn, F.E., "Why Prophecy Ceased," JBL 108 (1989), 37-49.

Habel, N., "The Form and Significance of the Call Narratives," ZAW 77 (1965), 297-323.

Hanson, P., “From Prophecy to Apocalyptic: Unresolved Issues,” JSOT 15 (1980), 3-6.

_____. The Dawn of the Apocalyptic. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1973. BS646 .H35

Haran, M., "From Early to Classical Prophecy: Continuity and Change," VT 27 (1977),

Hayes, J.H., "The Usage of Oracles Against Foreign Nations in Ancient Israel," JBL 87
    (1968), 81-92.

Hoffmann, Y., "The Day of the Lord as a Concept and a Term in the Prophetic
    Literature," ZAW 93/1 (1981), 37-50.

Holladay, J.S., "Assyrian Statecraft and the Prophets of Israel," HTR 63 (1970), 29-51.

House, P.R., "Endings as New Beginnings: Returning to the Lord, the Day of the Lord, and
     Renewal in the Book of the Twelve," in P.L. Redditt and A. Schart, eds. Thematic Threads in
     the Book of the Twelve
. BZAW 325; Berlin: de Gruyter, 2003: 313-38.

Hunter, A.V. Seek the Lord! A Study of the Meaning and Function of the Exhortations in
    Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Micah, and Zephaniah
. Baltimore: St. Mary's Seminary and
    University, 1982.

Janzen, W. Mourning Cry and Woe Oracle. BZAW 125; Berlin: de Gruyter, 1972.

Johnson, A.R. The Cult Prophet in Israel, 2nd ed. Cardiff: University of Wales, 1962.

Johnston, A., "Prophetic Leadership in Israel," TBT 34 (1996), 83-88.

Koch, K., “Ba‛al Sapon, Ba‛al Šamem and the Critique of Israel’s Prophets,” in G.J.
    Brooke, et al, eds. Ugarit and the Bible. Munster: Ugarit-Verlag, 1994: 159-74.

_____. The Prophets: The Assyrian Period. London: SCM Press, 1982.

Lang, B., “Life After Death in the Prophetic Promise,” in J. Emerton, ed. Congress
    Volume: Jerusalem 1986
. VTSup 40; Leiden: Brill, 1988: 144-56.

Levine, B.A., "When the God of Israel 'Acts-Out' His Anger: On the Language of Divine
     Rejection in Biblical Literature," in J. Kaltner and L. Stulman, eds.
     Inspired Speech. JSOTSup 378; London: T & T Clark, 2004: 111-29.

Long, B.O., "Prophetic Call Traditions and Reports of Visions," ZAW 84 (1972), 494-

Lust, J., “On Wizards and Prophets,” Studies on Prophecy. VTSup 26; Leiden: Brill,
    1974: 133-42.

Michaelsen, P., “Ecstasy and Possession in Ancient Israel: A Review of Some Recent
    Contributions,” SJOT 2 (1989), 28-54.

Miller, J.E., "Dreams and Prophetic Visions," Biblica 71 (1990), 401-404.

Miller, P.D., "'Show to Anger': The God of the Prophets," in A.A. Das and F. Matera, eds.
     The Forgotten God: Perspectives in Biblical Theology. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox,
     2002: 39-55.

_____, "The Divine Council and the Prophetic Call to War," VT 18 (1968), 100-

Mowinkel, S. The Spirit and the Word: Prophecy and Tradition in Ancient Israel.
    Minneapolis: Fortress, 2002.

_____, "Cult and Prophecy," in D.L. Petersen, ed. Prophecy in Israel. Philadelphia:
    Fortress, 1987: 83-97.

Muffs, Y., "Agent of the Lord, Warrior of the People," BRev 18/6 (2002), 20-27, 56.

Murray, D.F., "The Rhetoric of Disputation: Re-examination of a Prophetic Genre,"
    JSOT 38 (1987), 95-121.

Nasuti, H.P., "The Poetics of Biblical Prophecy: Point of View and Point of Standing in the
     Prophetic Books," in J.J. Ahn and S.L. Cook, eds. Thus Says the Lord: Essays on the
     Former and Latter Prophets in Honor of Robert R. Wilson
. New York/London: T & T Clark,
     2009: 99-113.

Nogalski, J.D., "The Day(s) of YHWH in the Book of the Twelve," in P.L. Redditt and A. Schart,
     eds. Thematic Threads in the Book of the Twelve. BZAW 325; Berlin: de Gruyter, 2003:

Overholt, T.W., “Prophecy in History: The Social Reality of Intermediation,” JSOT 48
    (1990), 3-29.

_____. Channels of Prophecy: The Social Dynamics of Prophetic Activity. Minneapolis:
    Fortress, 1989.

_____. Prophecy in Cross-Cultural Perspective: A Sourcebook for Biblical Researchers.
            Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1986.

_____, “Prophecy: The Problem of Cross-Cultural Comparison,” Semeia 21 (1982), 55-

Parker, S.B., “Possession Trance and Prophecy in Pre-Exilic Israel,” VT 28 (1978), 271-

Peckham, B. History and Prophecy: the Development of Late Judean Literary Traditions.
    New York: Doubleday, 1993.

Petersen, D.L., "Remembering the Prophets," in J.J. Ahn and S.L. Cook, eds. Thus Says the
     Lord: Essays on the Former and Latter Prophets in Honor of Robert R. Wilson
. New York/
     London: T & T Clark, 2009: 197-207.

_____, "Defining Prophecy and Prophetic Literature," in M. Nissinen, ed. Prophecy in Its
     Ancient Near Eastern Context: Mesopotamian, Biblical, and Arabian
. Atlanta: SBL, 2000: 33-44.

_____, "Rethinking the End of Prophecy," in M. Augustin, ed. "Wunschet Jerusalem
Frankfort: Peter Lang, 1988:65-71.

_____, ed. Prophecy in Israel: Search for an Identity. Philadelphia: fortress, 1987.

_____. The Roles of Israel's Prophets. JSOTSup 17; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press,

_____. Late Israelite Prophecy: Studies in Deutero-Prophetic Literature and in
. SBLMS 23; Missoula, MT: Scholars Press, 1977.

Porter, J.R., "The Origins of Prophecy in Israel," in R. Coggins, A. Phillips, and M.
    Knibb, eds. Israel's Prophetic Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
    1982: 12-31.

Raabe, P.R., "The Particularizing of Universal Judgment in Prophetic Discourse," CBQ 64
     (2002a), 652-74.

_____, “Drinking the cup of God's wrath: a biblical metaphor,” In: "Hear the Word of Yahweh".
 Saint Louis: Concordia Academic Press, 2002: 45-56.

_____, "Why Prophetic Oracles Against the Nations?," in A.B. Beck, ed. Fortunate
    the Eyes That See
. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1995: 236-57.

Raitt, T.M., "The Prophetic Summons to Repentance," ZAW 83 (1971), 30-49.

Redditt, P.L., "The Formation of the Book of the Twelve: A Review of Research," in P.L. Redditt
     and A. Schart, eds. Thematic Threads in the Book of the Twelve. BZAW 325; Berlin: de
     Gruyter, 2003: 1-26.

de Regt, L.J., "Person Shift in Prophetic Texts: Its Function and its Rendering in Ancient
    and Modern Translations," in J.C. de Moor, ed. The Elusive Prophet. Leiden: Brill,
    2001: 214-31.

Ringgren, H., "Israelite Prophecy: Fact or Fiction?" VTSup 40; Congress Volume-
, ed. J. Emerton. Leiden: Brill, 1988: 204-210.

Roberts, J.J.M., "Does God Lie? Divine Deceit as a Theological Problem in Israelite
    Prophetic Literature," Congress Volume, Jerusalem 1986.
SVT 40; Leiden: Brill, 1988:

Savran, G.W. Telling and Retelling: Quotation in Biblical Narrative. Bloomington:
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