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Rabbinic and Mishnaic Period: Gender Studies Bibliography

Victor H. Matthews (VictorMatthews@missouristate.edu)

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Last updated:  3-13-08


Altman, R. and J. Treat. Introductory Readings for the Study of Judaism in the Greco-Roman Period.

Archer, L. Her Price is Beyond Rubies: The Jewish Woman in Graeco-Roman Palestine. JSOTSup 60;
    Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1990.

Bar-Ilan, M. Some Jewish Women in Antiquity. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1998.

Baskin, J., “Women in Rabbinic Judaism: Focal Points and Turning Points,” In Judaism from Moses
                to Muhammad
. Leiden: Brill, 2005: 303-334.

_____, "The Separation of Women in Rabbinic Judaism," in Y. Y. Haddad and E. B. Findly, eds. Women,
    Religion, and Social Change
. Albany: SUNY, 1985: 3-18.

Bauckham, R.J., "Early Jewish Visions of Hell," JTS 41 (1990), 355-385.

Baumgarten, J.M., "Purification After Childbirth and the Sacred Garden in 4Q265 and Jubilees," in G.J. Brook, ed.
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Beek, Martinus A., "Rahab in the light of Jewish exegesis (Josh 2:1-24; 6:17,22-23,25)," in Von Kanaan bis Kerala,
    W. Delsman, et al, eds. (1982), 37-44.

Belkin, S., "Levirate and Agnate Marriage in Rabbinic Cognate Literature," JQR 60 (1969-70), 275-329.

Biale, R. Women and Jewish Law: An Exploration of Women's Issues in Halakhic Sources. New York:
    Schocken, 1984.

Bloch, A.A., "The Cedar and the Palm Tree: A Paired Male/Female Symbol in the Hebrew and Aramaic," in
    Z. Zevit, et al, eds. Solving Riddles and Untying Knots. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 1995:13-17.

Boyarin, D., "Torah Study and the Making of Jewish Gender," FCRB (1997), 515-547.

_____. Carnal Israel: Reading Sex in Talmudic Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993.

Bronner, L.L., "Esther Revisited: An Aggadic Approach," FCEJS (1995), 176-197.

_____. From Eve to Esther: Rabbinic Reconstructions of Biblical Women. Louisville: W/JK, 1994.

_____, "Valorized or Vilified? The Women of Judges in Midrashic Sources," in Feminist Companion to Judges,

_____, "A Thematic Approach to Ruth in Rabbinic Literature," in Feminist Companion to Ruth, 1993b:146-169.

Brooten, B.J. Women Leaders in the Ancient Synagogue: Inscriptional Evidence and Background Issues.
    Chico: Scholars Press, 1982.

_____, "Inscriptional Evidence for Women as Leaders in the Ancient Synagogues," SBL Seminar Papers 20
    (1981), 1-17.

Broshi, M., "Agriculture and Economy in Roman Palestine: Seven Notes on the Babatha Archive," IEJ 42 (1992),

_____, "Legal Document from Babatha's Archives." In Highlights of Archaeology: the Israel Museum Jerusalem.
    Jerusalem: The Israel Museum, 1984:158-159.

Brown, C.A. No Longer Be Silent: First Century Jewish Portraits of Biblical Women. Louisville: W/JK, 1992.

Cohen, G., "The Song of Songs and the Jewish Religious Mentality," in Studies in the Variety of Rabbinic Cultures
    (Philadelphia: JPS, 1991), 6.

Cohen, S.J.D., "Purity and Piety: The Separation of Menstruants from the Sancta," Daughters of the King. Philadelphia:
     Jewish Publication Society, 1992: 103-15.

Davidson, L. and S. Tenenbaum, eds. Feminist Perspectives on Jewish Studies. New Haven: Yale, 1994.

Elder, L.B., "The Woman Question and Female Ascetics Among Essenes," BA 57/4 (1994), 220-234.

Epstein, L. The Jewish Marriage Contract: A Study in the Status of the Woman in Jewish Law. New York:
    Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1927.

Falk, Z., "Mutual Obligation in the Ketubah," JJS 7 (1957), 215-17.

Flesher, P. Oxen,Women, or Citizens? Slaves in the System of the Mishnah. Brown Judaic Studies
    143; Atlanta: Scholars, 1988a.

_____, "Are Women Property in the System of the Mishnah?" in J. Neusner, et al, eds. From Ancient Israel to
    Modern Judaism
. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1988:

Fonrobert, C.E. Menstrual Purity: Rabbinic and Christian Reconstructions of Biblical Gender. Stanford, CA:
    Stanford U. Press, 2000.

Fraade, S. From Tradition to Commentary: Torah and its Interpretation in the Midrash Sifre to Deuteronomy.
    Albany: SUNY Press, 1991.

Frankel, E. The Five Books of Miriam: A Woman's Commentary on the Torah. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1996.

Geller, M.J., "New Sources for the Origins of the Rabbinic Ketubah," HUCA 49 (1978), 227-45.

Goldfeld, A., "Women as Sources of Torah in the Rabbinic Tradition," Judaism 24 (1975), 245-56.

Grossman, J. and R. Haut, eds. Daughters of the King: Women and the Synagogue: a Survey of History,
    Halakhah, and Contemporary Realities
. Philadelphia: JPS, 1992.

Haas, P.J., ed. Recovering the Role of Women: Power and Authority in Rabbinic Jewish Society. Atlanta:
    Scholars Press, 1992.

Hanson, Ann Ellis, “The Widow Babatha and the Poor Orphan Boy,” In Law in the Documents of the Judaean Desert.
     Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2005: 85-103.

Hauptman, J. Rereading the Rabbis: a Woman's Voice. Westview, 1998.

_____, "Rabbinic Interpretation of Scripture," FCRB (1997), 472-486.

_____, "Feminist Perspectives on Rabbinic Texts," in L. Davidman and S. Tenenbaum, eds. Feminist Perspectives
    on Jewish Studies
. New Haven: Yale, 1994:40-61.

Hayes, C.E.,, "Intermarriage and Impurity in Ancient Jewish Sources," HTR 92/1 (1999), 3-36.

_____, "The Midrashic Career of Confession of Judah (Genesis xxxviii 26), Part II: The Rabbinic
    Midrashim," VT 45 (1995), 174-87.

Ilan, T. Integrating Women into Second Temple History. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2002.

_____, "The Attraction of Aristocratic Women to Pharisaism during the Second Temple Period," HTR 88 (1995a), 1-33.

_____. Jewish Women in Greco-Roman Palestine: An Inquiry into Image and Status. Tubingen: Mohr, 1995b.

_____, "Premarital Cohabitation in Ancient Judea: the Evidence of the Babatha Archive and the Mishnah (Ketubbot
1.4)," HTR 86 (1993), 247-64.

Korte, A.-M., "Reclaiming Ritual: A Gendered Approach to (Im)purity," in M. Poorthuis and J. Schwartz, eds. Purity and
     Holiness: The Heritage of Leviticus
. Leiden: Brill, 2000: 313-27.

Kraemer, R.S. When Aseneth Met Joseph: a Late Antique Tale of the Biblical Patriarch and His Egyptian Wife,
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_____, "Jewish Mothers and Daughters in the Greco-Roman World," in S.J.D. Cohen, ed. The Jewish Family in
. Atlanta: Scholars, 1994:89-112.

_____. Her Share of the Blessings: Women's Religions Among Pagans, Jews, and Christians in the Greco-Roman
. New York: Oxford, 1992.

Labovitz, G., "Arguing for Women in Talmud," Shofar 14 (1995), 72-79.

Lachs, S.T., "Sexual Imagery in Three Rabbinic Passages," JSJ 23 (1992), 244-48.

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Levine, L., ed. The Galilee in Late Antiquity. New York: Jewish Theological Society, 1992.

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Martin, D.B., "Slavery and the Ancient Jewish Family," in The Jewish Family in Antiquity (1994), 113-29.

Neusner, J. A History of the Mishnaic Law of Women. Leiden: Brill, 1980a.

_____, "Women in the System of Mishnah," ConJ 33 (1980b), 3-13.

_____, "From Scripture to Mishnah: the Origins of Mishnah's Division of Women," JJS 30 (1979a), 138-53.

_____. The Tosefta: The Order of Women. KTAV, 1979b.

_____, "From scripture to Mishnah; the origins of Tractate Niddah," Journal of Jewish Studies 29 (1978), 135-148.

Peskowitz, M., "Rabbis, Feminists and Patriarchy's Ordinariness," FCRB (1997a), 487-514.

_____. Spinning Fantasies: Rabbis, Gender, and History. Berkeley: U. of California Press, 1997b.

_____, "Engendering Jewish Religious History," Shofar 14.1 (1995), 8-34.

_____, "Family/ies in Antiquity: Evidence from Tannaitic Literature and Roman Galilean Architecture," in The Jewish
    Family in Antiquity
(1994), 9-36.

Plaskow, J., "Anti-Judaism in Feminist Christian Interpretation," in E. Schussler Fiorenza, ed. Searching the Scriptures,
. (1993), 117-29.

_____, "Feminist Anti-Judaism and the Christian God," Journal of Feminist Studies 7.2 (1991), 99-109.

_____, "Blaming Jews ... for the Birth of Patriarchy," Lilith 7 (1980), 11-13.

Safrai, Z., "Dukhan, aron, and teva: How was the Ancient Synagogue Furnished?," in R. Hachlili, ed. Ancient
    Synagogues in Israel, 3rd - 7th century CE
. (1989), 69-84.

Satlow, M., "Reconsidering the Rabbinic ketubah Payment," in The Jewish Family in Antiquity (1994), 133-51.

Schearing, L.S., "Double Time ... Double Trouble? Gender, Sin, and Leviticus 12," in R. Rendtorff and R.A. Kugler, eds. The
      Book of Leviticus: Composition and Reception
. Leiden: Brill, 2003: 429-50.

Schiffman, L., "Laws Pertaining to Women in the Temple Scroll," in D. Dimant and U. Rappaport, eds. The Dead Sea
    Scrolls: Forty Years of Research
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Schuller, E., "Women in the Dead Sea Scrolls," in Methods of Investigation of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Khirbet
    Qumran Site: Present Realities and Future Prospects
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    1994: 115-131.

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    (1979), 160-79.

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     in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period
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Wegner, J.R. Chattel or Person? The Status of Women in the Mishnah. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988.

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Werman, C., "Jubilees 30: Building a Paradigm for the Ban on Intermarriage," HTR 90 (1997), 1-22.

Woolf, J.R., "Medieval Models of Purity and Sanctity: Ashkenazic Women in the Synagogue," in M. Poorthuis
     and J. Schwartz, eds. Purity and Holiness: The Heritage of Leviticus. Leiden: Brill, 2000: 263-80.

Yadin, Y., J.C. Greenfield, and A. Yardeni, "Babatha's Ketubba," IEJ 44 (1994), 75-101.

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