MGT 487 SECTION 05 Spring 2002          


Class Meets: TR  2:00-3:15 p.m., Room: GLASS 435


Professor: Dr. Philip C. Rothschild

Office: GLASS 409       Office Phone: 836-5082 E-mail:

Office Hours: TWR – 9:00-11:00 a.m. and by appointment on all days except Friday..

Business Strategy Syllabus and Research Resources on the web:



Thompson and Strickland, Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases 12th Edition
Subscription to either Business Week or Wall Street Journal.


Blackboard - Check Attendance, Grades, PPT Research Links
Peer Evaluation Form Entertainment Management Online 
Practice Case Part 1 Guidelines Exam/Quiz Review Sheets (see "day of" on schedule)
Practice Case Part 2 Guidelines Power Point Presentations (see blackboard)
Explanation of Executive Summary


MGT 487 is intended to be a challenging and exciting capstone course for the undergraduate business school curriculum. It is first and foremost a course about “strategy” and about “managing for success”. The course centers around the theme that a company achieves sustained success if and only if its managers (1) formulate an astute “game plan” and (2) implement and execute the game plan with some proficiency. We shall try to “prove” how and why doing a good job of strategy formulation and strategy implementation nearly always produces good business performance.

In studying the tasks of strategic management we shall also tackle another important function: That of trying to integrate much of the knowledge you have gained in the core business curriculum. MGT 487 is a “big picture” course, a trait that makes it a truly different kind of course from other COBA courses. Virtually all of the other required and elective courses you have taken were concerned with a specific functional area (production, marketing, finance, and accounting) and/or a well-defined body of knowledge (economics, statistics, and legal environment). More than a few of your previous courses have been highly structured and related closely to a well-developed body of theory. Some provided quantitative techniques for you to sink your teeth into and to master. Others related to information and to specific skills the faculty believe you needed to acquire. This course shares few of these traits. The problems and issues of strategy formulation and implementation cover the whole spectrum of business and management. While you will discover tools and filters to help guide your thinking, strategic management requires dealing with many variables and situational factors. Weighing the pros and cons of strategy entails a total enterprise perspective and a talent for judging just how all of the relevant factors add up to shape what actions need to be taken.


·         To develop your capacity to think strategically about a company, its business position, and how it can gain sustainable competitive advantage.

·         To build your skills in conducting strategic analysis in the entertainment industry and competitive situations.

·         To give you hands-on experience in crafting business strategy, reasoning carefully about strategic options, using what-if analysis to evaluate action alternatives, and initiating the changes necessary to keep the strategy responsive to newly emerging market conditions.

·         To improve your ability to manage the organization process by which strategies get formed and executed.

·         To integrate the knowledge gained in earlier business courses.

·         To develop your powers of managerial judgment, help you learn how to assess business risk, and provide you with a stronger understanding of the competitive challenges of a global market environment.

·         To have you become much more proficient in using personal computers to do managerial analysis and managerial work.

·         To make you more conscious about the importance of ethical principles, personal and company values, and socially responsible management practices.

REQUIREMENTS Points Grading Scale
Exam 1 200 A=900-1000 pts.
Exam 2 200 B=800-899 pts.
Practice Case Part 1 75 C=700-799 pts.
Practice Case Part 2 75 D=600-699 pts.
Formal Group Case Paper 200 F=Below 600 pts.
Formal Group Presentation 100
(Includes 10/12 quizzes @ 10 pts;
1 In the News @10 pts; 
3 homework @ 5 pts; 
1 Case @ 25 pts 
150 Total Points Possible 1000

·         All "group" assignments will have a Peer Contribution Grade factored in to generate your individual points. If your group received 178 points of possible 200 points on the Formal Group Case Paper (about an 89%), and your peers assessed you only contributed about an 80% effort, you would earn only 80% of the 178 points on your Group Case Paper (you would earn only 142 points; about a 71%). Thus the degree to which you contribute to your group’s performance is very important - you must pull your own weight on the group assignments. 



Any way you look at it, the workload in this course is above-average.

Expect to spend 3-5 hours preparing a case for class discussion (you will need 2-3 pages of notes/answers to the assignment questions in front of you each day to sparkle and shine in the class discussions!).  Trying to wing it is ill-advised!

There are 13 chapters of text material (about 300 pages) to master and be examined on. You'll also spend at least 2 hours prior to every new chapter presented reading and preparing for the quiz that day.

And there are assorted quizzes, assignments, and article reviews that you will do.

Finally, you will spend a significant amount of time preparing a written analysis of a Practice Case and a Formal Case.


I reward good attendance. Due to the fact that much of the learning will take place in a discussion format and in-class activities, it is imperative that you attend each class. Almost perfect attendance (defined as only one absence) will add 15 points to your final number of points. On the other hand, for each absence above 3, your final grade average will be reduced. The following scale applies: 4 absences = reduction of  20 points, 5 absences = reduction 40 points, 6 absences = reduction of 60 points, 7 absences = reduction of 80 points, and 8 or more absences will result in a failing grade. Students should always notify professor (through office phone or during class) of anticipated absence PRIOR to absence. When an absence is unanticipated, notification should take place on the day of the absence.  If a student is absent on the day of he/she is schedule to make a presentation, and the student makes no arrangements for a replacement, the student will receive a zero on that assignment. Consistent early departures and late arrivals may constitute an absence - at the discretion of the professor. In addition, disruptive behavior (verbal or nonverbal) in class may result in student being asked to leave by professor, and will result in one absence per occurrence. It is the student’s responsibility to inform professor (in person and on paper) of a late arrival.

Each student is expected to be an active participant and to make meaningful comments on cases being discussed. Your grade on class participation is something to be earned via consistent, daily contribution to class discussions. You should, therefore, make a conscientious effort to attend class discussions of cases and to be sufficiently prepared to contribute to the case discussions. Merely coming to class is not sufficient; attendance is not participation.


On occasion, there are students that must miss class due to participation in official SMS events (i.e. athletics, music tours, etc.). Please examine your event schedule immediately to determine how often you will miss this class.  If you anticipate you will miss more than six class periods during the semester, you should register for this course some other semester.  If you will miss class to due official SMS event, students must follow these procedures: 1. Notify instructor in advance in (hand) writing. 2. Within 7 days of absence, student must provide a copy of official document with signature of sponsor, phone #,  and date of absence.


The instructor may change scheduled examinations to an earlier or later date. If any exam dates are changed, students will be notified at least one week in advance.  It is the policy of this course that NO MAKE-UP EXAMS will be given. When conflicts are known in advance, see the instructor about taking the exam administered earlier in the week.



All students in sections of MGT487 are required to take an Exit Assessment examination during the final examination period. The purpose of the exam is to evaluate the Business program, and to report required assessment information to the State Coordinating Board of Higher Education. Your score on the exam does not affect your grade in the course, nor does it affect your graduation status. However, if a student fails to take the exam, unless they have been officially excused by the Dean they will receive an "I" (incomplete) for the course grade in 487.

THE 150 POINT GUARANTEE, well almost

It’s simple!  If you turn in a chapter outline on the date a reading is due, and satisfactorily complete all other assignments that are due, you will guarantee yourself the maximum points available for the “quiz/outline” portion of your grade. One more don’t have to take the daily quiz if you turn in an outline of the chapter(s) for the day.  If you will be absent from class, you must make arrangements for an outline to be turned in prior to class to receive Outline/Quiz credit for that day. 


All assignments must be turned in during class, or arranged for delivery prior to due date.  Assignments will NOT be accepted after class, and cannot be completed during class. Any assignments/outlines not turned in according to the following standards will not receive full credit.

1. Multiple pages should always be stapled.

2. Top right corner of front page should have the following:

    First Last Name, Strategy Sect.# ___, Date, Chapter # or Assignment

3. Use standard 8.5”x11” paper for all quizzes and assignments turned in.

4. Outlines must follow standard outline format. See sample on web site.


When I do not call roll in class, I will use the assignments for the day or the quizzes for attendance. You should keep all assignments, including quizzes, in a folder for this class. Disputed absences will only be considered if you have some evidence that you were in class. If you do not take the quiz for the day, or complete an assignment, you must turn in a blank sheet of paper with date and signature as evidence you were in class for the day.

At Missouri State University, we believe all students should have equal access to higher education and university life. Disability Support Services (DSS) helps ensure an equitable college experience for SMS students with disabilities.

Academic accommodations are available at no cost to students who can provide documentation of a disability and can demonstrate that the requested accommodations are necessary for participation in university programs within established guidelines. Academic accommodations coordinated by DSS include, for example, sign language interpreters, out-of-class testing, taped textbooks, note takers, adjustable tables, closed captioning, etc. An Assistive Technology Support Specialist is also on staff.

Any prospective or currently enrolled student interested in obtaining information about academic accommodations at Southwest Missouri State University should contact DSS at 417/ 836-4192 (voice), 417/836-6792 (TTY),

It is the responsibility of the student to inform DSS or his/her professor if assistance is desired.


Any student who has been found by the instructor to have committed academic dishonesty, as defined on page 1 of the Student Academic Integrity Policies and Procedures manual, will, at the discretion of the instructor, be subject to any of the sanctions described on page 4 of the manual, up to and including a grade of XF (failing because of academic dishonesty).

In accordance with University principles, federal law and applicable Missouri statutes, the University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, disability, or veteran status in employment or in any program or activity offered or sponsored by the University. The University maintains a grievance procedure incorporating due process available to any student who believes he or she has been discriminated against. At all times, it is your right to address inquires and concerns about possible discrimination to Melissa Manning, Affirmative Action Officer 118 Carrington Hall, (417) 836-6616.

The Schedule of Activities found on the next page may change over the course of this semester. I will notify you of any changes via email and will give you ample time to complete the activities. It is important that you check your email on a daily basis. As an alternative, my website at will be updated regularly.


Schedule of Class Activities (as of Jan 15, 2002)

MGT 487 Section 05 – Business Strategy, Spring  2002, 2:00-3:15 pm - TR




Assignment Due

1 T -
Jan 15
Introduction to the Syllabus

1.  Email and web access very important in this class. I will send email to your SMS email account only.  
Sign up for Blackboard

. R - 
Jan 17
Topic: The Abilene Paradox
Tips for Team Projects
(no reading for today)

1.  Discuss characteristics of Entertainment Industry
  How to do a Strategy in the News
Sign up for Blackboard BEFORE Today's class period

 2 T -
Jan 22
Chapter 1: The Strategic Management Process:  An Overview  

Questions to Answer for Today’s Quiz.

See Sample

Chapter Outline

You may print out Power Point Presentations found on Blackboard prior to class.

1. Read Chapter 1
2. (10pts) Quiz
3. (5 pts) Click here to Read Article and Submit Response
Online response due by Tuesday, no later than 9 a.m.

Want to read more?
Strategic Planning, Business Week, at

. R-Jan 24 Chapter 1: The Strategic Management Process cont'd


1. (5 pts) Read, “The Best and Worst Corporate Boards of Directors”  (See Business Week, 11-25-96:p. 82-98) or link below and bring to class a sheet of paper with your response to this question:
What are five things the best boards do?

2. In class exercise:  Corporate Governance is Like...

Want to read more?
Five Lessons for Active Boards, Fortune, 06-07-99

3. Form Teams?

 3 T-
Jan 29
Chapter 2: Establishing Company Direction

Questions to Answer for Today’s Quiz
1. (10 pts) Quiz on Readings for the day (or outline)

2. Read this article “Why CEO’s Fail” Fortune Magazine, 06/21/1999 and be prepared for at least one quiz question on the article.

3. Form Teams?
. R-
Jan 31
Chapter 2: Cont'd
Mission Statements and Ethics
1. Online Activity:
(5 pts) Bring to class Personal Mission Statement as generated at Covey Site      

2. (10 pts) Strategy in the News
Due by Team # 1, 2 (each team member brings their own news summary of different articles - attach copy of article))
 4 T-
Feb 5
Case 1: AOL-Time Warner (25 points) Read the AOL-Time Warner case found in the back of the 12th Edition of your Textbook.

This case involves thinking about and applying the concepts in Chapters 1 and 2. To be adequately prepared for class discussion of this case, you will need to develop supportable answers to the following questions. Take at least 2-3 pages of typewritten notes, and turn them in class.

. R-
Feb 7
Chapter 3: Industry and Competitive Analysis

Questions to Answer for Today’s Quiz

1. (10 pts) Quiz on Readings for the day (or outline)
Focus: Table 3.5
5 T-
Feb 12
Chap 3: Cont'd (10 pts) Strategy in the News Due by Teams # 3, 4 (each team member brings their own news summary of different articles - attach copy of article)
. R-
Feb 14
Introduction to Practice Case Part 1 (10 pts) Read Case # To Be Determined and Respond

Practice Case Part 1 Guidelines Print and bring to class
(These guidelines will be revised 24 hours prior to today's date)
6 T- Feb 19 Chap 4: Evaluating Company Resources & Competitive Capabilities

Questions to Answer for Today’s Quiz

 1. (10 pts) Quiz on Readings for the day (or outline)

2. Make-up (10 pts) Strategy in the News Due by Team # 1, 2 (each team member brings their own news summary of different articles - attach copy of article))



R-Feb 21

Chap 4: Cont'd 

Financial Ratios Discussion

(Review links before class)

(10 pts) Strategy in the News Due by Teams # 5, 6 (each team member brings their own news summary of different articles - attach copy of article)

Links related to Financial Ratios
1. Getting the Most out of Financial Ratios
2. Financial Ratios Defined

And others (while the discussions below are geared toward the investor, the analysis has relevance for the analyst and strategist):
1. Caution: Comparing Financial Ratios overtime and against other companies
2. Profits, Operating Income, Earnings, EBIT
3. Liquidity Ratios
4. Profitability Ratios

7 T - Feb 26

Chap 5: Strategy and Competitive Advantage

Questions to Answer for Today’s Quiz

1. (10 pts) Quiz on Readings for the day (or outline). Pay particular attention to the Illustration Capsules throughout the chapter.

. R-Feb 28

Chapter 8: Tailoring Strategy to Fit Specific Industry and Company Situations

Questions to Answer for Today’s Quiz

1. (10 pts) Quiz on Readings for the day (or outline).

(10 pts) Strategy in the News Due by Teams # 7, 8 (each team member brings their own news summary of different articles - attach copy of article)
8 T-Mar 5

In Class Work Day

In Class Work Day

. R-
Mar 7
Practice Case Part 1 Due
Introduction to Practice Case Part 2
Completed Practice Case Part 1 Due today
Completed Peer Evaluation Form Due today
Introduction to Practice Case Part 2
9 T-
Mar 12

Chap 1- 5, 8

Review Questions for EXAM 1
. R- 
Mar 14

Chap 11: Building Resource Strengths and Organizational Capabilities

Questions to Answer for Today’s Quiz

1. (10 pts) Quiz on Readings for the day (or outline)

2. (10 pts) Strategy in the News  Due by Team #9 (each team member brings their own news summary of different articles - attach copy of article)

10 T-
Mar 19

Chap 12:  Managing the Internal Organization

Questions to Answer for Today’s Quiz

1. (10 pts) Quiz on Readings for the day (or outline)
. R-
Mar 21

Chap 13:  Corporate Culture and Leadership

Questions to Answer for Today’s Quiz

1. (10 pts) Quiz on Readings for the day (or outline)


Case Note #2 Due - Absences count double

. Mar 23-
April 1


Spring Break No Classes
11 T- Apr 2

Chapter 6:  Strategies for Competing in Globalizing Markets

Chapter 7:  New Business Models and Strategies for the Internet Economy

Questions to Answer for Today’s Quiz

1. (10 pts) Quiz on Readings for the day (or outline)

Apr 4
Coaching Session: Commendations and Recommendations Must meet in class
12 T-Apr 9

Chapter 9: Strategy and Competitive Advantage in Diversified Companies 

Questions to Answer for Today’s Quiz

1.  (10 pts) Quiz on Readings for the day (or outline)
. R-Apr 11

Chap 10: Evaluating the Strategies of Diversified Companies

Questions to Answer for Today’s Quiz

1. (10 pts) Quiz on Readings for the day (or outline)

13 T- Apr 16

Chap 6,7,9-13

Review Questions for Exam 2
. R-
Apr 18
In Class Work Day In Class Work Day
14 T-
Apr 23
In Class Work Day In Class Work Day

Apr 25

Case Presentation 1 Case Presentation Team 1: ____________________
15 T-
Apr 30

Case Presentation 2

Case Presentation Team 2: ____________________


R-May 2

Case Presentation 3, 4

Case Presentation Team 3: ____________________
Case Presentation Team 4: ____________________

16 T-May 7

Case Presentation 5, 6

Case Presentation Team 5: ____________________
Case Presentation Team 6: ____________________

. R-May 9 Case Presentation 7, 8 Case Presentation Team 7: ____________________
Case Presentation Team 8: ____________________
 17 T-May 1

Required Assessment

Final Exam Period: Tuesday May 14; 1:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.
If a student fails to take the exam, unless they have been officially excused by the Dean they will receive an "I" (incomplete) for the course grade in MGT 487.

Important Date to Remember:
The final drop date for the Spring Semester is May 2, 2002. The grade of N (withdraw passing) may not be awarded after this date.