Greek102                                Spring 2005

Dr. Edwin Carawan ..Office Hrs: 1 M-F ... 390A Craig, 

ph: 836-4831


γηράσκω δ' αἰεὶ, πολλὰ διδασκόμενος


Texts and Materials: Balme & Lawall, Athenaze 2  (Oxford 2003) vol. I, &. II (after Spring break)

additional readings and exercises will be provided in handout and online.

The font (Eng. & Greek) is Palatino Linotype (Unicode extended.) **Older material may be found in TekniaGreek (with a free download); that will be converted in the course of the semester.  Mac Users may need to adjust Browsers: Safari or Firefox will read this material accurately as Lucida Grande or New Athena Unicode (but only with OS 10.2 or above).     Audio files will be provided in mp3 format and may be copied.


Objectives and Requirements:
This course is the second step toward a basic reading knowledge of classical and koine  Greek. In the first semester we learned the main declensions for nouns, adjectives and pronouns, along with the basic present-tense endings for thematic verbs. Now in the second semester we devote ourselves to mastering the other major parts of the Greek verbal system--past, future,  and into the subjunctive (leaving perfect and optative for 3rd semester). We shall follow much the same approach: work out with the grammar and vocabulary, and read, read, read! 

   Keep up your practice in pronunciation, reading and responding aloud in Greek. Try to master the passages in Athenaze  with greater clarity: these passages are designed to build comprehension and confidence in reading continuous prose--so that when you turn to read the unabridged text of New Testament and ancient authors, you can proceed with reasonable facility.  As a gauge of that progress, in the latter half of the course we will add readings from Matthew and the Gospel of John 18-20.

The course grade will be the average of 4 quizzes (50%), homework and in-class exercises (25%); and final exam (25%).  See also the general Policy Statement.

 You are encouraged to study together, but homework must be your own work: any evidence of copied homework will be treated as plagiarism. Any academic dishonesty will be subject to sanctions (as listed in Student Academic Integrity, p.4) proportionate to the value of the work.      

   Special considerations: We strongly support University policies to accommodate students with disabilities and to prevent or remedy discrimination of any kind. If you have a concern or special need, please advise the instructor.    

In regard to disabilities, you may also contact Disability Services (836-4192); regarding discrimination, the Equal Opportunity Officer (836-4252) or go to


Thorough preparation and active participation is absolutely essential.



Jan 10. . . Χαίρετε! Look at the final.

Jan 12. . . Review of nouns and adjj.

 esp. Ath. 7-9.  --Noun Chart--

Another look at Luke 2

Jan 14-19. . . Review verbs ... and participles


Jan. 21-28. . .Ath. 10-- the Future

Jan. 21 ...Verb Preview 154-5; Study pp. 158-60; exx. 10α (simplified: write out future forms for βλέπω, φυλάττω, κτλ.) 10β-γ.  Begin Reading 10α (atp) (1) (2) (3)

Jan. 24 ...Ex. 10δ, 6-10, ε 1-5 (handin)

Theognis aloud (p. 163)

Jan.26 ... Read Ath. 10b (1) (2) (3)  Plus exx. 10ζ-η

Jan.28 ... Exx. 10θ-λ; Read 'Odysseus' pp.171-2  (1) (2)    Dramatic reading?!

p. 173: Archilochus 'Spear'....Luke 5.30ff.

Jan. 31-Feb.7...Ath 11-- to the Past: 2nd aorist

Jan. 31 ...Study grammar and vocab., pp.174-81. Do exx. 11β-γ simplified: study the new forms (and review old); then write out from memory pres. fut. & aorist for λείπω, γίγνομαι, λαμβάνω; add 11δ.

Feb. 2... Aorist Prax ..Read passage 11α (atp). 'ἰατρός'

Feb. 4...Ex. 11ε, ζ 4-10, η 3-7 (written handin) Theognis Abroad...Luke Beatitudes

Feb. 7 ...Exx. 11κ & ν; reading p. 187 (atp)

Feb. 9 ...Quiz 1  (Ath 10-11)


Feb. 11- 18 ...Ath. 12: the other aorist,

Feb. 11...Study  grammar, pp. 196-9; Exx. 12γ-ε.

Feb.14.  Read passage Ath12α (1) (2) w/ex. 12α; make list of key verbs with 1st aorist


Feb.16 ...homework: exx. 12 ζ-η (handin) Luke 15 (p.203)

Feb. 18...Ath12β paragr. 2-4 (2) (3) Exx. 12ι-λ

Study Verblist 2 (1st & 2nd aorist).

... Practice with Aorist

Feb. 23-28. . . Ath. 13: yet another past--the imperfect

Feb. 23...Study pp. 214-17; do exx. 13γ-δ.  (Omit reading 13α)

Feb. 25...Study vocab and gram.(224-8); read Ath 13β (p. 223): paragr. 1; paragr. 2-3

Memorable readings, p.231:  Archilochus 122; Luke 21

Feb. 28 ...Written homework: exx. 13ε (p. 218) 1-6, & 13η (all).   Mar. 1 ... Verb prax for Quiz 2.    Read 'Xerxes Crosses' (228-9)

Mar. 4. . . Quiz 2 Review Principal Parts (Verblist 2 )

Mar. 7-14. . . Ath. 14: comparatives etc.

Mar. 7..Study gram.pp.234-7; read Ath 14α, 233-4.

Mar. 9 ... Exx. 14β-γ  Archilochus' Shield .... Luke 10.25

Mar. 11...Study vocab and read passage Ath 14β, p. 243.   Luke 10 'Good Samaritan'


Mar.14-21...Ath. 15 & Matthew (exc)

Mar. 14 ... Ath.15α       Matthew 21  (audio)

Luke 2

Mar. 16 ...Exx. 15β 2-8 & γ 3--6 (pp.253-4)... ΄Matthew 22  (audio for 22.2-9)

Mar. 18. Ath 15β (beginning and end): transl. 3 paragrs, pp. 260-1 &  ex 15γ 8-10 (handin)

Mar. 21. Read pp. 264-5; ex. 15η: 1-2, 4-5      Matt.22.15

Mar. 23 . . . Quiz 3 (Ath 14-15)


[[Spring break Mar. 24-Apr.1]]


Apr. 4.  Study vocab grammar, Ath 16;

Practice with Athematics (all you need from ch. 16)


Apr. 4-11... Ath 17, Aorist Passive

Apr. 6 ...Read Intro; Study pp. 4-6; exx. 17α

Apr. 8 ...Homework (hand-in) 17γ 5-10 & 17δ 1-5.

Apr. 11..Study pp.13-14 & Read Ath 17β, pp.10-12.

 Apr. 13...   Practice.  Exx. 17ζ-η.


Apr. 15-22 ...Ath. 18 (δίδωμι & τίθημι)

Apr. 15 ... Study pp. 20-2 and Read passage 18α (p.19)

Apr. 18 ...Exx. 18γ 5-15, δ 3-10, ε 4-10

Apr. 20...Study pp. 29-31 and draw a 'map of τίθημι' on the model of the one we did for δίδωμι; exx. 18θ 4-15, ι 4-9, κ 3-5.

Apr. 22. . .John 18, 'The Trial'  (jpg version)  Audio  cont.

Key verbs for Quiz 4   Practice synopses:

1) 3rd pl. (they) either ἀκούω or πράττω

2) 3rd sing. s/he, either δίδωμι or  τίθημι  (see Quiz 4)

Apr. 25 . . . Quiz 4 guide       Quiz 4 Practice


Apr. 27-May 2. . . Ath. 19, gen. abs., intro ἵστημι

Apr. 27 ... Study pp. 38-41; exx. 19α (1-8) & γ (all)

Apr. 29 ... Study pp. 49-50; read passage 19α and begin

 John 19-20  (jpg version)  ( John 19.1-6, Audio)

May 4. . . Final Guide

Evaluations  Special Hours for Finals

Final Exam ... Mon. May 9, 1:15